Research in Economic History, Volume 23 (Research in Economic History) артикул 12057d.
Research in Economic History, Volume 23 (Research in Economic History) артикул 12057d.

This volume of Research in Economic History includes eight papers Five were submitted through regular channels and three papers which were solicited at the conference Toward a Global History of Prices and Wages Following is Nonnenmachers study of the early years of the telegraph industry in the United States The third paper is Herranz-LoncA?ns озкжп estimates of the growth of the Spanish infrastructure between 1844 and 1935 Then there are two papers based on microeconomic data The first is the investigation by James, Palumbo and Thomas of late nineteenth century saving among working class families in the United States The second is Murrays study of the operation of pioneering sickness insurance schemes in several European countries between 1895 and 1908 Finally, the three papers from the conference In the first of these papers, Pamuk studies trends in urban construction workers wages in the Eastern Mediterranean over almost a millennium The following paper by Bassino and Ma examines wages of Japanese unskilled workers between 1741 and 1913 In the final paper, Ward and Devereux present estimates of the relative income of the United Kingdom in comparison with that of the United States for 1831, 1839, 1849, 1859 and 1869.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 298 стр ISBN 0762312629.

Sectoral Systems of Innovation: Concepts, Issues and Analyses of Six Major Sectors in Europe артикул 12059d.
Sectoral Systems of Innovation: Concepts, Issues and Analyses of Six Major Sectors in Europe артикул 12059d.

Innovation and technological change follow markedly different pathways depending on the sector in which they take place Contributions from eighteen experts in their fields consider the framework of sectoral systems of innovation to analyze the innovation process, factors affecting innovation, the relationship between innovation and industry озкжс dynamics, changing boundaries and transformation of sectors, and the determinants of the innovation performance of firms and countries in different sectors.  2004 г Твердый переплет, 536 стр ISBN 0521833213.

A Little Cup of Kindness: Gentle Thoughts for Today's Hectic World артикул 12061d.
A Little Cup of Kindness: Gentle Thoughts for Today's Hectic World артикул 12061d.

Художник: Kyle Dreier "The world is too much with us", wrote William Wordsworth "Late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers Little we see in nature that is ours" Glenn Dromgoole, author of seventeen books and co-founder of Americans for More Civility, has collected some "gentle thoughts for озкжщ today's hectic world" into a small book with a big message "Too often", he writes, "we allow the busyness and the chaos of daily living to lay waste the powers of our better selves and best intentions - to be kind, generous, helpful, reasonable, and civil" In short verses, he offers practical suggestions reflecting on what is ultimately important in our lives - and in our world Автор Glenn Dromgoole.  Издательство: Bright Sky Press, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 112 стр ISBN 1931721955, 978-1931721950 Язык: Английский.

Cracking the SAT (+DVD) артикул 12063d.
Cracking the SAT (+DVD) артикул 12063d.

If Its on the SAT, Its in This Book: Practical information on the what, when, where, and how of the SAT/ Tons of sample problems and practice drills, both in the book and on the companion website/ Thorough review of all topics covered, including essay-writing techniques and a focused grammar review/ Problem-conquering strategies like Ballparking озкзл and Plugging In that can save you time and trouble/ o Planning and organization tips to get you all the way to test day! And There's More! On DVD: 4 Practice Tests in the Book Plus Free Access to 4 Full-Length Practice Tests Online Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в специальный бумажный конверт и вложен внутрь книги.  Издательство: Princeton Review, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 784 стр ISBN 978-0-375-42923-1 Язык: Английский Формат: 210x275.

Электронное строение атомов артикул 12065d.
Электронное строение атомов артикул 12065d.

В монографии рассмотрено состояние исследований в области электронного строения атомов Предложен новый подход к исследованию внутриатомного строения, основанный на фундаментальном озкзт явлении поляризации атомов Дается обоснование диполь-оболочечной модели, являющейся развитием оболочечной модели атома Бора На основании данной модели предлагается объяснение периодичности атомов в таблице Д И Менделеева Диполь-оболочечная модель атома принята для построения теории электронного строения вещества, в том числе в приложении к теоретическому обеспечению нанотехнологии Книга рассчитана на специалистов, занимающихся исследованиями электронного строения атомов и вещества в целом Автор Алексей Потапов.  Издательства: Институт компьютерных исследований, НИЦ "Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 264 стр ISBN 978-5-93972-751-8 Тираж: 150 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film артикул 12067d.
The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film артикул 12067d.

Book Description An eye-opening portrait of a vibrant film culture, The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film is the most comprehensive study of the Japanese filmmaking scene yet written Tom Mes and Jasper Sharp explore the astounding resurgence of Japanese cinema, both live action and animated, profiling 19 contemporary Japanese filmmakers, озкзъ from the well-known (Kitano, Miike, Miyazaki) to the up-and-coming (Naomi Kawase, Satoshi Kon, Shinya Tsukamoto) and reviewing 97 of their recent films With 100+ images from behind and in front of the camera, this is a book any film lover will savor Foreword by Hideo Nakata, director of Ring Tom Mes (in Paris) and Jasper Sharp (in Tokyo) co-edit Midnighteye com, the premier English-language website on Japanese cinema.  2004 г 376 стр ISBN 1880656892.

The Skill-Based Pay Design Manual артикул 12069d.
The Skill-Based Pay Design Manual артикул 12069d.

The Skill-Based Pay Design Manual is an invaluable resource for designing and implementing a system of compensation that ties base pay to employee knowledge and skill rather than to a position or job content Internationally recognized authors and consultants Joseph and Jimmie Boyett bring over twenty years of experience in helping companies озкзя implement skill-based pay and employee performance incentive programs The Skill-Based Pay Design Manual is a complete step-by-step guide for designing and implementing skill-based pay In addition to a comprehensive overview of skill-based pay and its impact on company operating and financial performance, the Boyetts provide the following: The advantages and disadvantages of skill-based pay; A comparison of skill-based pay vs job-based pay; How to determine if skill-based pay is right for your organization; 12 keys to success; 14 case studies of companies using skill-based pay Step-by-step instruction in how to Design the skill-based pay plan; Identify skill sets; Link skills to pay progression; Implement and evaluate the skill- based pay program; and Gain employee and union support for skill-based pay The Skill-Based Pay Design Manual is an insightful, informative and essential resource based upon solid research and the personal experiences of the authors.  2004 г Мягкая обложка, 141 стр ISBN 0595332153.

Celebrity (Reaktion Books - Focus on Contemporary Issues) артикул 12071d.
Celebrity (Reaktion Books - Focus on Contemporary Issues) артикул 12071d.

Book DescriptionIn Celebrity, Chris Rojek attempts to make sense of celebrity and notoriety in contemporary society The book examines why people like Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Hitler and Jerry Springer impress themselves so powerfully on the public mind Rojek argues that celebrity culture is an integral element in the conduct of everyday озкиб life, and like the myths of the Gods in ancient society, celebrities provide us with role models and examples for the conduct of our own lives He also examines the dark side of celebrity, which drives people to any lengths to achieve fame or notoriety.  2004 г 208 стр ISBN 1861891040.

Математическая теория научной организации труда и оптимальной структуры научно-исследовательских институтов артикул 12073d.
Математическая теория научной организации труда и оптимальной структуры научно-исследовательских институтов артикул 12073d.

Настоящая монография представляет собой первую - и до сих пор единственную - попытку общего математического решения проблемы наилучшей (оптимальной) структуры различных озкие организаций, прежде всего научно-исследовательских, а также учебных и (в какой-то степени) производственных Исходя из естественных правил сложения и умножения потенциальных возможностей сотрудников в зависимости от характера взаимного комбинирования усилий (при независимой и совместной работе), автор развил логически последовательную общую вероятностную теорию научной организации труда (НОТ) и оптимальной структуры соответствующих достаточно самостоятельных и устойчивых коллективов При этом все теоретически полученные закономерности сопоставляются им с соответствующими среднестатистическими фактическими данными Разумеется, с идеальными типичными НИИ никак нельзя отождествлять некоторые сравнительно эффективно работающие конкретные гиганты, представляющие собой целые конгломераты более или менее автономных подразделений Но отдельные элементы таких гигантов, на которые те рано или поздно фактически распадаются, вполне могут быть проанализированы с точки зрения развитой общей теоретической схемы От первого издания этой монографии (1970), подготовленного автором в его бытность директором Астрофизического института АН Казахской ССР, данное, 2-е, исправленное и дополненное издание отличается исправлением замеченных опечаток и введенной в качестве единственного дополнения новой работой автора, в которой обоснован универсальный характер всех рассматриваемых закономерностей (вплоть до распределения типичных индивидуумов по потенциальным возможностям и по типам мышления) Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся вопросами научного подхода к проблеме повышения эффективности коллективного труда, а также общими объективными законами мировой науки 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Автор Григорий Идлис.  Издательство: ЛКИ, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 368 стр ISBN 978-5-382-00222-4 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Crap Jobs: 100 Tales of Workplace Hell артикул 12075d.
Crap Jobs: 100 Tales of Workplace Hell артикул 12075d.

Quick -- what's the worst, most mind-numbing, humiliating, horrendous, horrific job you can think of? They're all here The worst jobs in the world Firsthand accounts of one hundred horrible jobs guaranteed to make you groan, laugh, and maybe, just maybe help you feel a teensy bit better about your own place in the rat race Painstakingly assembled озкии by the geniuses behind the British humor magazine The Idler, this collection includes the gloriously gory details of such occupations as: hospital launderette, gas station worker, weed sprayer, bank teller, janitor's assistant, and telemarketer It's a hilarious romp through the stinky cesspool of employment hell, with helpful commentary from those who speak of crap jobs from hard-won personal experience So curl up with this guide and be grateful for the job you have or grab the want ads now!.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 0060833416.

Обоснование выбора Теория практики артикул 12077d.
Обоснование выбора Теория практики артикул 12077d.

Если в результате принимаемого решения может возникнуть материальная, моральная, или измеряемая ущербом здоровью или угрозой самой жизни других людей ответственность, озкит то, безусловно, должны быть приложены самые значительные усилия для его тщательного обоснования Книга посвящена изложению математических методов обоснования решений Но она предназначена не для математиков Для них уже написано большое количество книг на достаточно сложном и строгом специальном математическом языке Настоящая книга представляет собой попытку написать работу, прозрачно показывающую всю палитру подходов к обоснованию решений, связанную единой методологической канвой, не загроможденную формулами "за которыми леса не видно" Однако, как сказал когда-то Б Рассел, "книга должна быть либо ясной, либо строгой, совместить эти два требования невозможно" Автор отдал предпочтение ясности и постарался написать книгу простым и доступным языком так, чтобы читатель, только получивший высшее образование, смог бы без особых затруднений ее прочесть Автор Игорь Захаров.  Издательство: Судостроение, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 528 стр ISBN 5-7355-0684-6 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм) Цветные иллюстрации.

The Power of the Actor артикул 12079d.
The Power of the Actor артикул 12079d.

Book Description In The Power of the Actor, a Los Angeles Times bestseller, premier acting teacher and coach Ivana Chubbuck reveals her cutting-edge technique, which has launched some of the most successful acting careers in Hollywood The first book from the instructor who has taught Charlize Theron, Brad Pitt, Elisabeth Shue, Djimon Hounsou, озкиц and Halle Berry, The Power of the Actor guides you to dynamic and effective results For many of todays major talents, the Chubbuck Technique is the leading edge of acting for the twenty-first century Ivana Chubbuck has developed a curriculum that takes the theories of the acting masters, such as Stanislavski, Meisner, and Hagen, to the next step by utilizing inner painand emotions, not as an end in itself, but rather as a way to drive and win a goal In addition to the powerful twelve-step process, the book takes well-known scripts, both classic and contemporary, and demonstrates how to precisely apply Chubbucks script- analysis process The Power of the Actor is filled with fascinating and inspiring behind-the-scenes accounts of how noted actors have mastered their craft and have accomplished success in such a difficult and competitive field.  2005 г 400 стр ISBN 1592401538.

Фундаментальная математика сегодня К десятилетию Независимого Московского Университета артикул 12081d.
Фундаментальная математика сегодня К десятилетию Независимого Московского Университета артикул 12081d.

Составители: Сергей Ландо Олег Шейнман Редакторы: Сергей Ландо Олег Шейнман Предлагаемая книга - сборник статей, посвященных активно развивающимся в настоящее время направлениям озкиы фундаментальной математики В первую очередь в ней представлены области, широкое исследование которых ведется в Независимом Московском Университете, - геометрия и топология в их разнообразных проявлениях, динамические системы, теория алгебр Ли и их представлений, теория чисел и алгебраическая геометрия Книга будет интересна специалистам в этих областях Среди авторов статей, вошедших в сборник - как опытные, так и молодые исследователи Большинство из них - участники конференции "Фундаментальная математика сегодня" (декабрь 2001 года), посвященной 10-летию Независимого Московского Университета и собравшей многих ведущих математиков мира Приведены программа конференции и фотографии ряда участников Что внутри? Страница 1.  Антология Издательства: НМУ, МЦНМО, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 424 стр ISBN 5-94057-112-3 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

The Thirty-Nine Steps (+ аудиокурс на 2 кассетах) артикул 12083d.
The Thirty-Nine Steps (+ аудиокурс на 2 кассетах) артикул 12083d.

A man is killed in Richard Hannay's home Before his death he tells Hannay a deadly secret Now Hannay's life is in danger Who are his enemies and what are they trying to do? And how will he solve the mystery of "The Thirty-Nine Steps"? Penguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with Longman the world famous educational publisher, озкйб to provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure Each book has an introduction and extensive activity material Penguin Readers Audio Packs are perfect for self-access centres and school libraries and for learners wanting to improve their English on their own Hearing the stories on cassette while reading also improves pronunciation and listening skills This pack contains the book and two cassettes The cassettes include the complete text as printed in the book, excluding the Activities pages The text is read with an American English accent Книга и кассеты упакованы в пластиковую коробку New edition Иллюстрация Автор Джон Бучан John Buchan.  Серия: Penguin Readers.

Задачи и методы линейного программирования Конечные методы артикул 12085d.
Задачи и методы линейного программирования Конечные методы артикул 12085d.

В настоящей книге дается систематическое изложение теоретических основ, методов и приложений одного из важнейших разделов математической теории управления и планирования озкйи - линейного программирования Авторами были учтены методологические замечания преподавателей линейного программирования и опыт работы вычислительных центров, использовавших первое издание книги в своей практической деятельности Изложение методов и вычислительных процедур дано в существенно упрощенном виде Данное издание представляет собой вторую часть книги, состоящей из трех частей Нумерация страниц во всех частях сквозная, поскольку они являются непосредственным продолжением друг друга; в то же время все три книги могут рассматриваться как совершенно самостоятельные произведения Каждая книга содержит общие для всех трех частей список использованной литературы и алфавитный указатель Вторая часть посвящена конечным методам линейного программирования: последовательно рассматриваются теория и вычислительные схемы трех основных конечных методов и некоторых их модификаций; дается классификация конечных методов и ряд практически полезных рекомендаций по их использованию при различных формах записи задачи Книга рассчитана на широкий круг математиков, инженеров и экономистов; она может быть использована как учебное руководство для вузов, вычислительных центров, научно-исследовательских институтов 3-е издание Авторы Давид Юдин Евгений Гольштейн.  Издательство: Либроком, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 264 стр ISBN 978-5-397-01332-1 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Dallas: The Complete Story of the World's Favorite Prime-time Soap артикул 12087d.
Dallas: The Complete Story of the World's Favorite Prime-time Soap артикул 12087d.

Book DescriptionIt's all here: the story of the phenomenally successful primetime TV soap Dallas The only book to take readers behind the scenes, it covers the pilot; all thirteen seasons of the series; the prequel, reunion, and twentieth anniversary TV movies; and the 2004 cast reunion, The Return to Southfork Filled with fascinating stories, озкйм it showcases: An episode guide complete with producer and cast information Interviews with more than forty-five Dallas stars, including Larry Hagman, Victoria Principal, Linday Gray, and Patrick Duffy Photographs from Steve Kanaly's personal collection and the Southfork Ranch Event and Conference Center Dallas trivia that will satisfy new and old fans alike And much more.  2005 г 460 стр ISBN 1581824726.

The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide, 3rd Edition (Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide) артикул 12089d.
The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide, 3rd Edition (Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide) артикул 12089d.

Amazon comThe recent boom in independent filmmaking has been both a boon and an added challenge for aspiring directors While the chic status of festivals like Sundance makes it easier for a few hot new directors to find major distributors, other worthy films risk being lost amid a sudden flood of contenders Chris Gore, editor of Film Threat magazine, озккв has written the Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide to help the aspiring auteur rise above the tide The book is chock-full of practical down-and-dirty advice Every aspect of submitting to and attending film festivals is covered, from an exhaustive listing of festivals and their entry deadlines (the Turku, Finland, Lesbian and Gay Film Festival deadline is in July, so get cracking) to whatto wear to the industry party you'll be crashing (big pants with big pockets, the better to stash giveaways and whip out business cards) You can even find a listing for the best bar in the Ukraine (Eric's in Kyiv) and a sidebar of handy tips that will keep you on your projectionist's good side Perhaps most helpful is Gore's inclusion of interviews with actual filmmakers who have experienced wildly varying degrees of success; the directors are remarkably candid and very generously try to help others avoid their own mistakes Those who are still struggling not only illustrate the ongoing process of learning to play industry games, they show an artist's remarkable ability to keep the spirit alive Filmmaker Joal Ryan memorably describes taking inspiration from the career of Pauly Shore: "The world tells him he's not funny; he says he is--and keeps working " Whether you want to be a filmmaker or just party like one, The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide will help you operate like a true industry player --Ali DavisBook DescriptionChris Gore reveals how to get a film accepted and what to do after acceptance, from putting together a press kit to putting on a great party.  2004 г 400 стр ISBN 1580650570.

Электронная структура, физические свойства и корреляционные эффекты в d- и f-металлах и их соединениях артикул 12091d.
Электронная структура, физические свойства и корреляционные эффекты в d- и f-металлах и их соединениях артикул 12091d.

Монография включает обсуждение всех основных физических свойств d- и f-переходных металлов и изложение соответствующих теоретических концепций Особое внимание уделено озкке теории магнетизма и кинетических явлений Подробно обсуждаются некоторые нетрадиционные вопросы: влияние особенностей плотности состояний на электронные свойства; многоэлектронное описание сильного коллективизированного магнетизма; механизмы магнитной анизотропии; микроскопическая теория аномальных транспортных явлений в ферромагнетиках Помимо изложения классических проблем физики твердого тела в применении к переходным металлам, рассмотрены современные достижения в теории электронных корреляций d- и f-систем в рамках многоэлектронных моделей Авторы представили в основном тексте по возможности простое физическое рассмотрение переходных металлов Более трудные вопросы рассмотрены в приложениях Авторы Валентин Ирхин Юрий Ирхин.  Издательство: УрО РАН, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 472 стр ISBN 5-7691-1493-2 Тираж: 650 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Диагональные методы глобальной оптимизации артикул 12093d.
Диагональные методы глобальной оптимизации артикул 12093d.

Настоящая книга посвящена теоретически актуальным и практически важным вопросам разработки теории и численных методов решения широкого класса задач глобальной оптимизации озккк Книга дает введение в предмет и обобщает ряд последних научных достижений авторов, развивающих традиции Нижегородской школы глобальной оптимизации Исследования авторов по этой тематике неоднократно поддерживались грантами Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, а также Советом по грантам Президента Российской Федерации для государственной поддержки ведущих научных школ, Итальянским фондом фундаментальных исследований и международным проектом "Российско-Итальянский университет" Результаты исследований, вошедшие в книгу, были опубликованы в ведущих международных научных журналах и используются более чем в 20 странах мира Книга рассчитана на широкий круг научных и инженерных работников, аспирантов и студентов, интересующихся теоретическими и прикладными аспектами глобальной оптимизации Авторы Ярослав Сергеев Дмитрий Квасов.  Издательство: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 352 стр ISBN 978-5-9221-1032-7 Тираж: 200 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy артикул 12095d.
The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy артикул 12095d.

"A wonderful book, which confounds the conventional wisdom of limits and should put virtually every government energy program out of business" (Washington Times) "This is the only book I've ever seen that really explains energy, its history, and what it will be like going forward " (Bill Gates) The sheer volume of talk about озккц energy, energy prices, and energy policy on both sides of the political aisle suggests that we must know something about these subjects But according to Peter W Huber and Mark P Mills, the things we think we know are mostly myths A better understanding of energy will radically change our views and policies on a number of very controversial issues In The Bottomless Well, Huber and Mills show why energy is not scarce, why the price of energy doesn't matter very much, and why "waste" of energy is both necessary and desirable Across the board, energy isn't the problem; energy is the solution "Provocative [An] aggressive manifesto " (Los Angeles Times).  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 214 стр ISBN 046503117X.

Задачи и методы стохастического программирования артикул 12097d.
Задачи и методы стохастического программирования артикул 12097d.

Настоящая монография посвящена прикладным моделям и математическим методам управления системами при неполной информации об условиях их функционирования Обсуждение озккъ прикладных задач иллюстрирует общие подходы к формализации управления в сложных ситуациях, связанных с риском и неопределенностью Качественные методы стохастического программирования и его важного раздела - стохастического оптимального управления - дают основание для рациональной постановки задач управления, для выбора моделей, отражающих наиболее существенные требования к решению Численные методы построения решающих правил и решающих распределений могут быть использованы для разработки алгоритмов управления сложными системами Книга рассчитана на научных работников с повышенной математической подготовкой и на математиков, участвующих в постановках и решении задач планирования, управления и проектирования Может быть полезна для аспирантов и студентов старших курсов математических специальностей 2-е издание Автор Давид Юдин.  Издательство: Красанд, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 394 стр ISBN 978-5-396-00162-6 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Naked Marketing: The Bare Essentials артикул 12099d.
Naked Marketing: The Bare Essentials артикул 12099d.

Before you spend two nickels on marketing, it is important to understand how those nickels should be spent Q: With all the sexy new ways to do marketing from web sites to publicity with radio "shock jocks" what's an ambitious entrepreneur to do? A: Strip away all the hype and hoopla; get down to the basics of Naked Marketing Here is a handy озклв tool for business managers and entrepreneurs who want to get market-smart quickly and painlessly With real-life examples and effective techniques for nearly all business, the bare facts reveal how to: Develop a market plan, create the marketing budget, exploit publicity and mix mass media, personal selling and direct mail Robert Grede offers lists of DO's and DON'T's He shares winning strategies used by big-name companies and by small start-ups.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 186 стр ISBN 0874620198.

The Art of Happiness at Work артикул 12101d.
The Art of Happiness at Work артикул 12101d.

For the first time since their revolutionary book, The Art of Happiness, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and psychiatrist Howard Cutler reunite to explore ways in which work and careers can become a meaningful part of our lives Using common sense and modern psychiatry, this illuminating book applies 2,500 years of Buddhist tradition to the contemporary озклт struggles faced in finding a calling The Dalai Lama answers the questions everyone wants answered about the nature of work and finding fulfillment.  2004 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 1594480540.

50 Ways to Save the Ocean (Inner Ocean Action Guide) (Inner Ocean Action Guide) артикул 12103d.
50 Ways to Save the Ocean (Inner Ocean Action Guide) (Inner Ocean Action Guide) артикул 12103d.

The oceans, and the challenges they face, are so vast that it’s easy to feel powerless to protect them 50 Ways to Save the Ocean, written by veteran environmental journalist David Helvarg, focuses on practical, easily-implemented actions everyone can take to protect and conserve this vital resource Well-researched, personal, and sometimes озклх whimsical, the book addresses daily choices that affect the ocean's health: what fish should and should not be eaten; how and where to vacation; storm drains and driveway run-off; protecting local water tables; proper diving, surfing, and tide pool etiquette; and supporting local marine education Helvarg also looks at what can be done to stir the waters of seemingly daunting issues such as toxic pollutant runoff; protecting wetlands and sanctuaries; keeping oil rigs off shore; saving reef environments; and replenishing fish reserves.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 1930722664.

Odeon Cinemas 2 : From J Arthur Rank to the Multiplex артикул 12105d.
Odeon Cinemas 2 : From J Arthur Rank to the Multiplex артикул 12105d.

Book DescriptionThe second volume tracing the history of Britain's most famous cinema circuit continues the story from 1942 when J Arthur Rank took control after the death of its founder, Oscar Deutsch Odeon expanded rapidly and eventually merged with Rank's other circuit, Gaumont cinemas, as part of The Rank Organization This book shows in great озклъ detail how Odeon adapted to the wide screen and roadshow eras, built new cinemas, and converted existing ones to two and three screens but went intoa sharp decline until the turnaround in cinema attendance begining in 1985, fueled by the arrival of American-style multiplexes By entering the race to build multiplexes and further subdividing its older sites, Odeon reasserted itself to become thelargest chain in the United Kingdom Odeon Cinemas 2 is copiously illustrated, with sixteen pages in color It includes a list of the films given an Odeon circuit release from 1942 to 1959 and a complete record of all the cinemas ever operated by Odeon until it was sold by Rank in 2000.  2005 г 224 стр ISBN 1844570487.

Будущее прикладной математики: Лекции для молодых исследователей Поиски и открытия артикул 12107d.
Будущее прикладной математики: Лекции для молодых исследователей Поиски и открытия артикул 12107d.

В настоящей книге представлены лекции ряда ведущих специалистов в области прикладной математики, которые были прочитаны на III ежегодной школе для студентов, аспирантов и озкль молодых исследователей в Институте прикладной математики им М В Келдыша РАН Спектр тем, обсуждаемых в книге, очень широк Это проблемы турбулентности и системы с запаздыванием, космические программы нового поколения и прогноз динамики нефтегазового сектора, сетевая безопасность и система ГРИД Многие темы рассмотрены ясно, наглядно и популярно впервые Среди них --- технологии беспроводной связи с хаотическим носителем, проблемы клеточных автоматов, новые парадигмы вычислений Книга предназначена для студентов старших курсов, аспирантов, молодых исследователей Она будет интересна и полезна преподавателям информатики и прикладной математики, руководителям, интересующимся перспективами этих областей науки, а также широкому кругу читателей, которые связаны с инженерной деятельностью и инновационной активностью в ряде актуальных направлений высоких технологий.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 640 стр ISBN 978-5-397-00638-5.

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy артикул 12109d.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy артикул 12109d.

Award-winning investigative journalist Greg Palast digs deep to unearth the ugly facts that few reporters working anywhere in the world today have the courage or ability to cover From East Timor to Waco, he has exposed some of the most egregious cases of political corruption, corporate fraud, and financial manipulation in the US and abroad His озкме uncanny investigative skills as well as his no-holds-barred style have made him an anathema among magnates on four continents and a living legend among his colleagues and his devoted readership This exciting new collection brings together some of Palast's most powerful writing of the past decade Included here are his celebrated "Washington Post" exposA© on Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris's stealing of the presidential election in Florida, and recent stories on George W Bush's payoffs to corporate cronies, the payola behind Hillary Clinton, and the faux energy crisis Also included in this volume are new and previously unpublished material, television transcripts, photographs and letters.  2004 г Мягкая обложка, 408 стр ISBN 0452285674.

Sculptor in Buckskin: The Autobiography of Alexander Phimister Proctor артикул 12111d.
Sculptor in Buckskin: The Autobiography of Alexander Phimister Proctor артикул 12111d.

Two disparate worlds met in the life of Alexander Phimister Proctor: the art world centered in the eastern United States and the world of the western frontier Proctor was a remarkable amalgam: a big-game hunter and intrepid explorer who felt at home in Paris or New York, and an academically trained artist who painted and sculpted the characters and озкмп wild creatures of the West This new edition of Proctor's autobiography provides a thorough introduction to a distinctively American artist whose monumental sculptures and statues adorn parks, public buildings, and museums, as well as private homes and businesses across the country The text, begun in the late 1930s, when Proctor was in his seventies, takes the reader on a far-flung journey from his birth in Ontario and childhood in Denver to his travels as a young man throughout the United States and eventually to Paris A new selection of more than 125 illustrations--many in full color--includes historical photographs and reproductions of Proctor's sketches, paintings, and sculptures, tracing the development of his magnificent artistry Here are the trembling fawns, slinking mountain lions, stalwart warriors, and rearing mustangs that made him famous Art historian Katharine C Ebner has annotated the autobiography and restored previously unpublished portions of the original manuscript "What is beauty?" Proctor asks at the beginning of his narrative It was a question that resonated throughout his life Through the words and the work of this remarkable artist, we come to understand his answer.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 227 стр ISBN 0806140070.

Основы теории оптических волноводов артикул 12058d.
Основы теории оптических волноводов артикул 12058d.

В монографии впервые излагается теория почти всех известных регулярных диэлектрических волноводов: пленарных, круглых, эллиптических, прямоугольных, полосковых, а также озкжр линзоподобных сред - с точки зрения их применения в качестве линий передач и элементов интегральных схем Наиболее детально исследованы пленарные волноводы Рассмотрены стык двух таких волноводов, излучение из открытого конца, а также стационарные колебания отрезка полноводного слоя Особое внимание уделено влиянию анизотропии диэлектрической проницаемости на волноводные свойства передающих систем Книга рассчитана на широкий круг специалистов по оптике и радиофизике, имеющих дело с передачей электромагнитной энергии по направляющим системам Издание 2-е, исправленное Авторы Андрей Гончаренко Валерий Карпенко.  Издательство: Едиториал УРСС, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 240 стр ISBN 5-354-00818-2 Тираж: 500 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Slavery, Family, and Gentry Capitalism in the British Atlantic: The World of the Lascelles, 1648-1834 (Cambridge Studies in Economic History - Second Series) артикул 12060d.
Slavery, Family, and Gentry Capitalism in the British Atlantic: The World of the Lascelles, 1648-1834 (Cambridge Studies in Economic History - Second Series) артикул 12060d.

From the mid-seventeenth century to the 1830s, successful gentry capitalists created an extensive business empire centered on slavery in the West Indies, but inter-linked with North America, Africa, and Europe S D Smith examines the formation of this British Atlantic World from the perspective of Yorkshire aristocratic families who invested озкжш in the West Indies At the heart of the book lies a case study of the plantation-owning Lascelles and the commercial and cultural network they created with their associates The Lascelles exhibited high levels of business innovation and were accomplished risk-takers, overcoming daunting obstacles to make fortunes out of the New World Dr Smith shows how the family raised themselves first to super-merchant status and then to aristocratic pre-eminence He also explores the tragic consequences for enslaved Africans with chapters devoted to the slave populations and interracial relations This widely-researched book sheds new light on the networks and the culture of imperialism.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 396 стр ISBN 0521863384.

Применение теории подобия к исследованию процессов тепло-массообмена Процессы переноса в движущейся среде артикул 12062d.
Применение теории подобия к исследованию процессов тепло-массообмена Процессы переноса в движущейся среде артикул 12062d.

В предлагаемой книге рассматривается применение теории подобия к изучению процессов переноса в движущейся среде; излагается ряд основных вопросов учения о тепло-массообмене озкжя В работе помимо изложения основ обобщенного анализа рассматривается идея универсализации исследования на основе применения метода характеристических масштабов Настоящая книга является продолжением учебного пособия "Введение в теорию подобия", но в то же время представляет собой самостоятельное законченное произведение Книга предназначена для студентов старших курсов физико-математических специальностей, а также для лиц, занимающихся исследовательской работой в области тепло-массообмена 3-е издание, исправленное Автор Александр Гухман.  Издательство: ЛКИ, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 330 стр ISBN 978-5-382-01103-5 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

The United States of Wal-Mart артикул 12064d.
The United States of Wal-Mart артикул 12064d.

An irreverent, hard-hitting examination of the world's largest-and most reviled-corporation, which reveals that while Wal-Mart's dominance may be providing consumers with cheap goods and plentiful jobs, it may also be breeding a culture of discontent It employs one of every 115 American workers If it were a nation-state, it would be one of the озкзс world's top twenty economies With yearly sales of nearly $260 billion and an average wage of $8 an hour, Wal-Mart represents an unprecedented-and perhaps unstoppable-force in capitalism And there have been few corporations that have evoked the same levels of reverence and ire The United States of Wal-Mart is a hard-hitting examination of how Sam Walton's empire has infiltrated not just the geography of America but also its consciousness Peeling away layers of propaganda and politics, investigative journalist John Dicker reveals an American (and, increasingly, a global) story that has no clear-cut villains or heroes-one that could be the confused, complicated story of America itself Pitched battles between economic progress and quality of life, between the preservation of regional identity and national homogeneity, and between low prices and the dignity of the American worker are beginning to coalesce into an all-out war to define our modern era And, Dicker argues, Wal-Mart is winning Revealing that the company's business practices have been shaping American culture, including the nation's social, political, and industrial policy, The United States of Wal-Mart provides fresh insight into a controversy that isn't going away.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 1585424226.

SAT: Premier Program 2007 (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12066d.
SAT: Premier Program 2007 (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12066d.

This powerful, personalized study program includes: The latest SAT information and new practice questions online every month; Diagnostic test with targeted feedback; 9 full-length practice tests - 4 in the book and 5 on the CD-ROM; Detailed answer explanations; Hundreds of extra practice questions; Personalized study plan and progress report; озкзщ Quick review summaries of key lessons in every chapter; Free online grading and evaluation of student-written essay; Mobile prep for your PDA or cell phone; Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies: - Target strategy for the Writing section multiple-choice questions; - Target strategy for vocabulary building; - Tips for tackling the SAT's most common math traps Издание на английском языке Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в специальный бумажный конверт и вложен внутрь книги.  Издательство: Kaplan Publishing, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 768 стр ISBN 978-1-4195-4183-4, 1-4195-4183-8 Формат: 210x275.

SAT Subject Test Math Level 1 (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12068d.
SAT Subject Test Math Level 1 (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12068d.

The "SAT Subject Test Math Level 1" tests students' proficiency in arithmetic, algebra, plane geometry, solid and coordinate geometry, trigonometry, functions and their graphs, and statistics, counting and probability This manual reviews each of these topics in a separate chapter that includes exercises with answers It also has озкзэ are three full-length model tests with answer keys and solutions, test-taking advice, and tips on using a calculator on the test This version of the manual comes with an optional CD-ROM that has two additional practice tests with answers, explanations, and automatic scoring 2-nd edition Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в специальный целлофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги Автор Ира Вулф Ira K Wolf.  Издательство: Barron's Educational Series, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 384 стр ISBN 978-0-7641-9348-4, 0-7641-9348-1 Язык: Английский Формат: 210x280.

Неидеальный тепловой контакт тел при трении артикул 12070d.
Неидеальный тепловой контакт тел при трении артикул 12070d.

Получены аналитические решения геометрически одномерных задач нестационарной теплопроводности и задач термоупругости в несвязанной квазистатической постановке для озкиа сопряженных тел трения В области взаимодействия тел приняты условия неидеального теплового контакта согласно Барберу, в которых удельная мощность тепловыделения произвольно изменяется во времени Как частный случай, получены решения задач для других условий теплового контакта тел трения Для специалистов в области теории теплопроводности и контактного тепломеханического взаимодействия твердых тел, а также инженеров-триботехников проектно-конструкторских и научно-исследовательских организаций Книга может быть полезна преподавателям, аспирантам и студентам технических университетов ========================================================================== Belyakov N S , Nosko A P Nonperfect thermal contact of friction bodies Moscow: KD "LIBROCOM", 2010 --- 104 p Analytical solutions of geometrically one-dimensional nonstationary-heat-conductivity problems and problems of unrelated quasistatic thermoelasticity for interfaced friction bodies are obtained Barber's conditions of nonperfect thermal contact with time-variable specific heat generation rate are assumed in the area of bodies interaction As a particular case the solutions of problems for other conditions of thermal contact of friction bodies are obtained This book is for specialists in the field of heat conduction theory and thermal and mechanical contact interaction of solids, and for tribo-engineers of research and development centers It may be useful for lecturers, postgraduates and students of technological universities.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 104 стр ISBN 978-5-397-01273-7 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America артикул 12072d.
Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America артикул 12072d.

"I want to learn how to defend myself from whoever tries to oppress me, whether it's my husband, my union, or my boss "-a bananera Women banana workers-bananeras-are waging a powerful revolution by making gender equity central in Latin American labor organizing Their successes disrupt the popular image of the Latin American woman worker озкив as a passive bystander and broadly re-imagine the possibilities of international labor solidarity Over the past 20 years, bananeras have organized themselves and gained increasing control over their unions, their workplaces, and their lives Highly accessible and narrative in style, Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America recounts the history and growth of this vital movement Starting in 1985 with one union in La Lima, Honduras, and expanding domestically through the late 1990s, experienced activists successfully reached out to younger women with a message of empowerment In a compelling example of transnational feminism at work, the bananeras crossed borders to ally with banana workers in five other banana exporting countries in Latin America, arguing all the while that empowering women at every level of their organizations makes for stronger unions, better able to confront the ever-encroaching multinational corporations When the bananeras of Latin America, with their male allies, explicitly integrate gender equity into their organizing work as essential to effective labor internationalism-when they refuse to separate the global struggle against trans-national corporations from the formidable efforts at home to achieve equity and respect-they inspire all of us to envision a new framework for internationalism that places women's human rights at the center of global class politics A professor of American studies at the University of California Santa Cruz, Dana Frank focuses on US and international labor issues Published in The Washington Post, The Nation, and other periodicals, she is the author of Buy American and, with Robin D G Kelley and Howard Zinn, of Three Strikes.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 0896087557.

Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble New Impossibilities артикул 12074d.
Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble New Impossibilities артикул 12074d.

Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями и дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание 1 Arabian Waltz 2 Night Of The Flying Horses Suite 3 Galloping Horses 4 Song Of Eight Unruly Tipsy Poets (From Poems From Tang) 5 Shristi 6 The озкиж Silent City 7 Ambush From Ten Sides For Pipa, Sheng, Guitar, Cello And Orchestra 8 Vocussion Исполнители Йо-Йо Ма Yo-Yo Ma "The Silk Road Ensemble" "Silk Road Journeys".  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: SONY BMG, Sony Classical Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2007 г Альбом: Импортное издание.

Reading Six Feet Under : TV to Die for артикул 12076d.
Reading Six Feet Under : TV to Die for артикул 12076d.

Book Description Praised for its unabashed portrait of the "death care" industry, HBO's Six Feet Under is less about the business of death than the art of living well Created by the Oscar winner Alan Ball (American Beauty), this innovative, controversial show charts difficult territory--from death, dying and bereavement, to female озкир and gay sexualities, to family obligation and relationships--laying bare in the process an American cultural consciousness This book examines such predominant themes as the dead body, magic realism and the grotesque, American cultural politics, family relationships, homosexuality, motherhood and more A complete episode guide to the first four seasons is included.  2005 г 272 стр ISBN 1850438099.

Английский язык Учебное пособие для работы с видеофильмом "Гаттака" артикул 12078d.
Английский язык Учебное пособие для работы с видеофильмом "Гаттака" артикул 12078d.

Составители: Екатерина Колпакова Зоя Новикова Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов второго курса факультета политологии, изучающих английский язык на продвинутом озких этапе Пособие ставит своей целью дальнейшее развитие навыков аудирования и говорения, а также расширение словарного запаса студентов по теме "Достижение научно-технического прогресса в XXI веке", предусмотренной программой 2 курса факультета политологии Пособие состоит из 20 разделов Каждый раздел пособия включает в себя задания двух типов: задания, выполняемые до просмотра и после просмотра видеофильма Задания первого типа предназначены для снятия возможных трудностей перед просмотром, знакомят с тематикой и сложными языковыми единицами Задания, выполняемые после просмотра части видеофильма, непосредственно направлены на развитие навыков аудирования Задания типа "What do you think"? развивают навыки интерпретации высказываний и развития сюжетной линии фильма, и, самое главное, навыки говорения Авторы заранее признательны за критические замечания и предложения, которые могут быть сделаны по данному пособию.  Издательство: МГИМО (У) МИД России, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 20 стр Тираж: 120 экз Формат: 60x84/8 (~210x280 мм).

Regulatory Governance in Infrastructure Industries: Assessment and Measurement of Brazilian Regulators (PPIAF Trends and Policy Options) артикул 12080d.
Regulatory Governance in Infrastructure Industries: Assessment and Measurement of Brazilian Regulators (PPIAF Trends and Policy Options) артикул 12080d.

This paper assesses and measures regulatory governance in 21 infrastructure regulators in Brazil Regulatory Governance is decomposed into four main attributes: autonomy; decision-rules; means and tools; and accountability A ranking is proposed and the main areas for improvement identified A comparison of the proposed regulatory governance озкиш index and other indexes internationally available is performed Section 2 sets up the analytical framework for the report, identifying key components of regulatory governance, namely, autonomy (political and financial), procedures for decision-making, tools and means (including personnel), and accountability Section 3 assesses each of these components in practice, reporting the results of a survey with 21 regulatory agencies in Brazil, which was designed and implemented in 2005 Section 4 measures regulatory governance based on three related indexes, ranks the Brazilian regulators among themselves, and compares the proposed indexes with other two indicators available in the literature Section 5 presents the conclusions.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 88 стр ISBN 0821366092.

The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story of the 60s TV Pop Sensation артикул 12082d.
The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story of the 60s TV Pop Sensation артикул 12082d.

Book DescriptionA day-by-day look at the years from 1965 to 1970 reveals the remarkably rich story of the Monkees, one of the most successful pop bands of the 1960s The Monkees immensely popular television series began in 1966 It was immediately followed by a remarkable four consecutive Number 1 albums and six Top 10 singles In the 1980s the Monkees озкиь reached an entirely new audience when MTV began re-running the TV show Their cult status remains solid today as critics reassess their music and new fans discover the show Follow the bands short but explosive career in this examination that includes exclusive interviews with each member of the group, details of recording sessions, filming commitments, concert performances, other public appearances, and over 100 photographs and illustrations.  2005 г 288 стр ISBN 1592233724.

In Pursuit of Shadows: A Career in Counterintelligence артикул 12084d.
In Pursuit of Shadows: A Career in Counterintelligence артикул 12084d.

Spies, espionage, intelligence, counterintelligence, clandestine activity and surveillance: these are not just the stuff of story books but incontrovertible facts of the world we live in, under threat of nuclear weapons, terrorist attacks on both sides of the Atlantic, political unrest, poverty driven crime The list is endless and it is due озкйж to those who live in the shadows that we can rest easy in our beds This personal and surprisingly open account offers a tantalizing glimpse into the everyday world of the counterintelligence officer practicing the skills vital to his survival; a world of deception, persuasion, instinct, innovation, experimentation and, to some extent, luck Inevitably governed by politics, life is too often dictated, and therefore restricted, by directions from "on high" and inter-agency jealousy, but that is all just part of the "game" If you understand dead drops, microdots, moles and double agents, In Pursuit of Shadows will whet your appetite and allow you to enter a world that only a brave few are willing to embrace.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 1844016951.

Movie Nights for Teens: 25 More Movies To Spark Spirtiual Discussions With Your Teen артикул 12086d.
Movie Nights for Teens: 25 More Movies To Spark Spirtiual Discussions With Your Teen артикул 12086d.

Book DescriptionMovies are a staple of most teens' lives Movie Nights for Teens: 25 More Movies to Spark Spiritual Discussions with Your Teen gives parents a fun way to connect with their teens The 25 movies chosen cover a range of themes and story lines, and all of them will spark conversation Each selection features a plot summary, engaging questions, озкйл Scripture applications, and more From recent releases such as The Incredibles and The Lord of the Rings to vintage gems like Rocky and A Man for All Seasons, Movie Nights for Teens will bring families together to talk about movies, culture, and entertainment choices Features: Christian perspective and analysis of 25 contemporary movies Continuation of a popular series Contains an essay "Why We Love Superheroes," along with two other appendixes.  2005 г 179 стр ISBN 1589972155.

End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global Corporation артикул 12088d.
End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global Corporation артикул 12088d.

In September 1999, an earthquake devastated much of Taiwan, toppling buildings, knocking out electricity, and killing 2,500 people Within days, factories as far away as California and Texas began to close Cut off from their supplies of semiconductor chips, companies like Dell and Hewlett-Packard began to shutter assembly lines and send workers озкйо home A disaster that only a decade earlier would have been mainly local in nature almost cascaded into a grave global crisis The quake, in an instant, illustrated just how closely connected the world had become and just how radically different are the risks we all now face End of the Line is the first real anatomy of globalization It is the story of how American corporations created a global production system by exploding the traditional factory and casting the pieces to dozens of points around the world It is the story of how free trade has made American citizens come to depend on the good will of people in very different nations, in very different regions of the world It is a story of how executives and entrepreneurs at such companies as General Electric, Cisco, Dell, Microsoft, and Flextronics adapted their companies to a world in which America’s international policies were driven ever more by ideology rather than a focus on the long-term security and well-being of society Politicians have long claimed that free trade creates wealth and fosters global stability Yet Lynn argues that the exact opposite may increasingly be true, as the resulting global system becomes ever more vulnerable to terrorism, war, and the vagaries of nature From a lucid explanation of outsourcing’s true impact on American workers to an eye-opening analysis of the ideologies that shape free-market competition, Lynn charts a path between the extremes of left and right He shows that globalization can be a great force for spreading prosperity and promoting peace—but only if we master its complexities and approach it in a way that protects and advances our national interest.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 320 стр ISBN 0767915879.

Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, Vol 2: Advanced Techniques (3rd Edition, Version 6 5) артикул 12090d.
Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, Vol 2: Advanced Techniques (3rd Edition, Version 6 5) артикул 12090d.

Book Description Trish and Chris Meyer share their years of real-world production experience in this vital update to the acclaimed Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects series More than a step-by-step review of the features, you learn how this program integrates into real-world production workflows from award-winning artists who make озккд their living using After Effects This full-color guide is packed with visual examples, and the enclosed DVD-ROM is loaded with source material and projectsthat encourage you to practice their techniques Creating Motion Graphics Volume 2: Advanced Techniques focuses on core concepts such as audio, alpha channels, and manipulating time, plus Professional edition features such as color keying (including Keylight) and motion tracking The timeless subjects of video and film are demystified, while Expressions and the new Paint engine are covered in depth Detailed chapters explore the integration between After Effects and programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, 3D applications, nonlinear editing systems, and Web tools USER LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced Topics include: _ New chapters on Paint and Color Correction (including Color Finesse) _ Advanced animation techniques, including mastering Expressions _ Integrating with graphic and 3D programs, Web tools, and NLEs _ Mastering the technicalities of video and film, including widescreen and HD.  2005 г ISBN 1578202698.

Robot Stories : And More Screenplays артикул 12092d.
Robot Stories : And More Screenplays артикул 12092d.

Book Description "Greg Pak's fantasy anthology piece, which details the ways robots have complicated the lives of humans, has a dexterous sense of wonder Mr Pak's feel for melodrama adds a piercing and thoughtful end note similar to the emotional gravity found in Stephen King novellas like The Body and Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, озккй both in Mr King's collection Different Seasons But it's Mr Pak's respect for the actors that he's selected that seems to work hand-in-exoskeleton with the thematic mission of the protagonists in each chapter of Stories The most startling aspect of Robot Stories is not the mix the filmmaker built from spare parts left on the curb, but Mr Pak's evolving dramatic acumen He's a talent with a future "-The New York Times Winner of dozens of film festival awards, Robot Stories is an acclaimed independent movie written by rising Asian American director Greg Pak In four intertwined stories, people struggle to connect in a technological world In "My Robot Baby," a couple cares for a robot before adopting a human child In "The Robot Fixer," a mother reaches out to her dying son by completing his toy robot collection In "Machine Love," an office worker android learns that he too needs love In "Clay," an old sculptor chooses between natural death and digital immortality Praised as "the kind of science fiction sophisticated audiences crave and deserve," the screenplay is a rich and rewardingreading experience and follows in the literary tradition of Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury This collection includes Pak's scripts from his popular comic shorts Asian Pride Porn, All Amateur Ecstasy, Mouse and Cat Fight Tonight It features original commentary by the author and a foreword by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Henry Hwang Greg Pak directed his first feature film, Robot Stories, which has played nationwide and won over 30 festival awards One of Filmmaker magazine's 25 Filmmakers to Watch, Pak studied political science at Yale, history at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar and film at New York University's graduate program.  2005 г 232 стр ISBN 1597020001.

Mapping the World of Harry Potter (Smart Pop series) артикул 12094d.
Mapping the World of Harry Potter (Smart Pop series) артикул 12094d.

Book Description This book has not been authorized by J K Rowling, Warner Bros , or anyone associated with the Harry Potter books or movies New and old fans of the Harry Potter series will welcome this collection of fresh essays on Potter lore, plotlines, and characters With up-to-date information through book six in the series, this companion volume озккл offers a comprehensive look at the world of Potter through the eyes of leading science fiction and fantasy writers such as David Gerrold, Joyce Millman, and Martha Wells, and religion, psychology, and science experts Along with feminism, fascism, and moral life, topics include the Three Faces of Severus Snape, Harry Potter as Luke Skywalker, I Am a Hufflepuff: A Look at the Houses, and Harry Potter and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.  2006 г 240 стр ISBN 1932100598.

Finding Serenity : Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly (Smart Pop series) артикул 12096d.
Finding Serenity : Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly (Smart Pop series) артикул 12096d.

Book Description In this eclectic anthology of essays, former cast member Jewel Staite, "Kaylee," philosopher Lyle Zynda, sex therapist Joy Davidson, and noted science fiction and fantasy authors Mercedes Lackey, David Gerrold, and Lawrence Watt-Evans contribute to a clever and insightful analysis of the short-lived cult hit озккщ Firefly From What went wrong with the pilot? to What's right about Reavers? and how the correspondence between the show's creator Joss Whedon and the network executives might have actually played out, the writers interrogate the show's complexity and speculate about what might have been if the show Firefly had not been cancelled.  2005 г 240 стр ISBN 1932100431.

Behind The Scenes: Lords Of Dog Town артикул 12098d.
Behind The Scenes: Lords Of Dog Town артикул 12098d.

Book DescriptionBehind the Scenes: Lords of Dogtown takes readers deep inside the making of this summers hotly anticipated film, Lords of Dogtown, starring Emile Hirsch, Victor Rasuk, John Robinson, and Heath Ledger Set in the 1970s, the film tells the story of a group of teenage surfers from a neighborhood known as "Dogtown" in Venice, озккы California The "Z-Boys," known for their fearless surfing style, took the death-defying moves theyd perfected on the water to the streets and in the process inventing the extreme skateboarding style they became famous for In creating this book, director Catherine Hardwicke worked closely with the cast and crew to provide as detailed a view of the making of the movie as possible The result is abook that truly captures the energy of the set Its filled with hundreds of amazing, never-before-seen photographs, and is packed with quick, easy-to-read information on everything from the story, to the actors, to the stunts featured in the film The books overall look with graffiti-like graphics and wild spreads will truly appeal not only to those who love the movie, but to anyone with even a passing interest in skateboarding or graphic design.  2005 г 164 стр ISBN 097352863X.

Ряды и преобразования Уолша Теория и применения артикул 12100d.
Ряды и преобразования Уолша Теория и применения артикул 12100d.

В настоящей книге дается изложение основ интенсивно развивающейся теории рядов и преобразований Уолша и их обобщений Изучаются вопросы, связанные с представлением функций озклс рядами по этим системам, суммируемостью этих рядов и приближением функций Освещается ряд приложений функций и преобразований Уолша в цифровой обработке информации, в построении цифровых фильтров и в разработке специализированных вычислительных устройств Излагаются вопросы, связанные с так называемыми быстрыми алгоритмами и особенностями их реализации Для специалистов по прикладной математике и инженеров, а также для студентов технических вузов и математических факультетов университетов 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Авторы Борис Голубов Александр Ефимов Валентин Скворцов.  Издательство: ЛКИ, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 352 стр ISBN 978-5-382-00611-6 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Way Ahead: A Foundation Course in English: Practice Book 2 артикул 12102d.
Way Ahead: A Foundation Course in English: Practice Book 2 артикул 12102d.

Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a second language The course is reading-based, with a strong communicative flavour The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded, and are suitable озклф for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds The Practice Books provide additional exercises to revise and consolidate the work in the Pupil's Book and Workbook They have been specially written so they can be completed by a child working alone, and so are ideal for homework, or for extra practice during 'quiet time' in the classroom Формат: 18,5 см x 24,5 см Автор Ron Holt.  Издательство: MacMillan, 1999 г Мягкая обложка, 48 стр ISBN 0-333-74466-7 Язык: Английский.

A Semantic Approach to English Grammar (Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics) артикул 12104d.
A Semantic Approach to English Grammar (Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics) артикул 12104d.

Book DescriptionThis book shows how grammar helps people communicate and looks at the ways grammar and meaning interrelate The author starts from the notion that a speaker codes a meaning into grammatical forms which the listener is then able to recover: each word, he shows, has its own meaning and each bit of grammar its own function, their combinations озклч creating and limiting the possibilities for different words He uncovers a rationale for the varying grammatical properties of different words and in the process explains many facts about English - such as why we can say I wish to go, I wish that he would go, and I want to go but not I want that he would go The first part of the book reviews the main points of English syntax and discusses English verbs in terms of their semantic types including those of Motion, Giving, Speaking, Liking, and Trying In the second part Professor Dixon looks at eight grammatical topics, including complement clauses, transitivity and causatives, passives, and the promotion of a non-subject to subject, as in Dictionaries sell well This is the updated and revised edition of A New Approach to English Grammar on Semantic Principles It includes new chapters on tense and aspect, nominalizations and possession, and adverbs and negation, and contains a new discussion of comparative forms of adjectives It also explains recent changes in English grammar, including how they has replaced the tabooed he as a pronoun referring to either gender, as in When a student reads this book,they will learn a lot about English grammar in a most enjoyable manner.  2005 г 543 стр ISBN 0199247404.

The 8th Habit Personal Workbook: Strategies to Take You from Effectiveness to Greatness артикул 12106d.
The 8th Habit Personal Workbook: Strategies to Take You from Effectiveness to Greatness артикул 12106d.

From Stephen R Covey, bestselling author of "The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness", comes the accompanying personal workbook that will help you further realize the power of this new habit The world has changed dramatically since Covey's classic "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" was published The challenges озклы we all face in our relationships, families, professional lives and communities are of an entirely new order of magnitude In order to thrive in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we need to build on and move beyond effectiveness - to greatness Accessing the higher reaches of human genius and motivation in today's reality requires a whole new habit The questionnaires, tests, self-assessments, and other exercises in this workbook provide a hands-on approach to developing the mind-set, skill-set and tool-set for achieving greatness in the Knowledge Worker Age "The 8th Habit" will transform the way you think about yourself and your purpose in life, about your organization and about humankind Издание на английском языке Автор Стивен Р Кови Stephen R Covey Стивен Кови получил международное признание в качестве специалиста по вопросам руководства Он закончил школу бизнеса при Гарвардском университете и защитил докторскую диссертацию в Университете Бригема Инга, где занимался преподавательской.  Издательство: Free Press, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 272 стр ISBN 0743293193.

English Basics International Edition : A Companion to Grammar and Writing артикул 12108d.
English Basics International Edition : A Companion to Grammar and Writing артикул 12108d.

Book DescriptionEnglish Basics: A Companion to Grammar and Writing is an accessible reference and practice book that can be used both in the classroom and at home It provides help with the 'mechanics' of English language - grammar, punctuation and spelling - and is ideal for students, teachers and anyone who needs to use English with a high degree озкмб of competence Each unit includes a reference section and tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and assess your strengths and weaknesses A Knowledge Check section provides opportunities for extension, revision and consolidation of particular points.  2004 г 216 стр ISBN 0521520606.

Side-By-Side Spanish and English Grammar артикул 12110d.
Side-By-Side Spanish and English Grammar артикул 12110d.

Book Description A comparative and simple approach to learning the grammar of a new language The Side-by-Side Grammar books present explanations of the essential elements of Spanish or French grammar alongside their English-language equivalents This method allows students to build on what they already know; not only do readers learn grammar озкмо for a new language but also enjoy the added benefit of strengthening their grammar skills in their native tongue ! Each lesson clearly explains functions and uses of the different parts of speech and includes abundant examples for each entry Because the vocabulary is limited to frequently used words, students can concentrate more on a sentence's structure instead of becoming tangled in its meaning A "Quick Check" section summarizes main ideas in each section and helps readers retain the most important information New to these editions are exercise sections to further reinforce students' comprehension.  2003 г 152 стр ISBN 0071419322.

Математика и ее значение для человечества артикул 12112d.
Математика и ее значение для человечества артикул 12112d.

Вниманию читателей предлагается книга выдающегося отечественного математика В А Стеклова (1864--1926), в которой проводится философский анализ происхождения и развития математики; озкмс устанавливается ее тесная связь со всеми философскими системами, начиная с древнейших; показывается, что именно математика всегда являлась и является источником философии, что она создала ее и может быть названа "матерью философии" Кроме того, автор последовательно прослеживает движение философской мысли в решении вопроса о происхождении и достоверности человеческого знания, и в частности вопроса о происхождении и характере основных положений геометрии Для математиков, философов, историков и методологов науки, студентов и аспирантов соответствующих специальностей, всех заинтересованных читателей Изд 2.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 136 стр ISBN 978-5-397-01400-7 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

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