The Coaching Revolution: How Visionary Managers Are Using Coaching to Empower People and Unlock Their Full Porential артикул 12001d.
The Coaching Revolution: How Visionary Managers Are Using Coaching to Empower People and Unlock Their Full Porential артикул 12001d.

In the workplace, the best managers are incorporating the essence of coaching into their leadership style The Coaching Revolution, now available in paperback, presents the best practices of todays managersstrategies that can turn good companies into stronger and better ones With experts David Logan, Ph D , and John Kings specific coaching озйяэ elements for managing employees, manager-coaches learn to transform their office environment into a more productive and effective one For the best results, Logan and King advise managers to follow these three basic principles: ·SEE: Help employees get to the root cause of performance gaps and find ways to realize more of their potential ·SAY: Outline a plan that clearly statesgoals for improvement and a strategy to achieve it ·DO: Hold employees accountable to deliver what they "SAY" they will Coaching has been around for a long, long time Now managers can use The Coaching Revolution to easily help them develop individual employee skill sets, which improves the company overall.  Pass   57.1   Bett   BettISBN 1593370784.

Профилактика и лечение различных заболеваний методами тибетской медицины артикул 12003d.
Профилактика и лечение различных заболеваний методами тибетской медицины артикул 12003d.

`Осваивая опыт лечения болезней, что оставлен нам нашими предками, надо прежде всего осознать причины своих недугов и найти способы избавления от них`, - говорит известный тибетский озкае лама Виктор Востоков Его большой опыт врачевания методами тибетской медицины приковывает внимание людей многих стран мира Воспользовавшись способами лечения различных заболеваний, приведенными в этой книге, вы сможете реально помочь своему здоровью Автор Виктор Востоков.  отде   Шуре   Your   SkagСерия: Малый универсальный справочник.

Cracking the SAT II: French, 2003-2004 Edition (College Test Prep) артикул 12005d.
Cracking the SAT II: French, 2003-2004 Edition (College Test Prep) артикул 12005d.

Amazon comCracking the SAT II: French Subject Test will teach you to comprehend special methods for acing the test Instead of a tedious review of French grammar, the book provides a focused review of the material exactly as it appears on the test Rather than throw a lot of meaningless material at you, we have developed a system for preparing for the озкар French Subject Test This book will arrange for you the most successful techniques for understanding and mastering this test A well-rounded grammarreview plus Princeton Review test-taking tips make this guide indispensable Book DescriptionOur inventive strategies and unique approach to standardized tests have revolutionized the test-prep industry, and made our SAT course the biggest in the world injust a few short years The techniques we teach in our courses are in this book And If It's on the SAT II: French Subject Test, It's in This Book The Princeton Review realizes that acing the SAT II: French Subject Test is very different from getting straight A’s in school We don't try to teach you everything there is to know about French–only the techniques you'll need to score higher on the exam There's a big difference In Cracking the SAT II: French, we'll teach you how to think like the test writers and ·Study effectively and know in advance what material is likely to be tested ·Ace the exam by reviewing and mastering vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension ·Use Process ofElimination and other techniques to solve difficult questions that will boost your score This book includes two full-length practice SAT II: French Subject Tests All of our practice test questions are just like the ones you'll see on the actual exam, and we fully explain every solution.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   слов2003 г 224 стр ISBN 0375762957.

Ace's New SAT CD Software Exambusters Study Cards артикул 12007d.
Ace's New SAT CD Software Exambusters Study Cards артикул 12007d.

Book DescriptionExambusters on CD presents over 2500 study cards which highlight the fundamentals of vocabulary and math--concepts you need to know to test well Written by certified teachers A fast, focused review for the New SAT Review study cards one by one and eliminate them from your stack once you've learned them Take a sample quiz, mid-term, озках or final and keep track of test results as you progress Learn subliminally with "Screen Saver Mode " Over 1000 of the most frequently tested words on the New SAT Simple definitions and pronunciation Improve your reading comprehension, vocabulary, and conversation Review essential math concepts Includes sample problems, formulas, and definitions from algebra, geometry, and arithmetic A COURSE on a CD! CUSTOMER PRAISE Really helped me prepare for the GED I passed it and now I'm on my way to college! ----Kristian Paras, Tutor, Bergenfield, N J Hi-thank goodness for your flash cards because Ihad forgotten a lot Now that my mind has been refreshed on the signs that I had forgotten, I can continue and I'm learning so much more Thanks ----Sarah Thomas, Childcare Provider, Puyallup, WA 98374 Exambusters really help students ----John Johnson, teacher, St Paul, MN This is the best way I have ever learned to master math of any form and it really works Thanks a lot for all of your help ----James Shaw, Navy, Sulphur Springs, Texas A real time saver, great for cramming ----Joe McCarthy, College Senior, State College, PA These cards helped my daughter through a very demanding exam period I will recommend them to my friends ----Lisa Yumibe, Indianapolis, Indiana Thank you for introducing us to your product They are a winner ----Preston Young, President, Learning Dynamics Tutoring, Hackensack, N J These study cards are a perfect supplement to any textbook ----Barbara Silber, Science Department Chair, The Fieldston School, Riverdale, New York Exambusters really do the job! ----Alex Tushinsky, Instructor, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey.  Mari   Stop   Yves   Mexo2005 г ISBN 1576332004.

SAT Practice: The New Verbal Section артикул 12009d.
SAT Practice: The New Verbal Section артикул 12009d.

Book DescriptionEnglish vocabulary, usage, comprehension, grammar and composition preparation for the New SAT and similar examinations requiring English reading and writing skills Reading selections incorporating SAT vocabulary with side-by-side glossary are followed by comprehension quizzes, grammar quizzes, extensive glossaries озкаь with synonyms and word variants, English usage notes, and suggested projects Appendices, comprehensive glossary, and index.  Mois   Terr   Robe   Drea2004 г 144 стр ISBN 097587960X.

Человек и квантовый мир артикул 12011d.
Человек и квантовый мир артикул 12011d.

Квантовая механика обсуждается в этой книге с различных точек зрения Часть I - история создания квантовой механики и ее основные идеи Приложения квантовой механики в современной озкбе технике иллюстрируются на примерах сверхпроводимости и сверхтекучести, лазеров, нанотехнологии и др Часть II посвящена до сих нор нерешенным концептуальным вопросам (парадоксам) квантовой механики Показано, как попытка их решения приводит к картине параллельных миров (так называемая интерпретация Эверетта), а ее логическое продолжение - к новому пониманию феномена сознания и к объяснению его необычных возможностей, которые на первый взгляд противоречат законам физики.  Barb   Maxt   stop   Cano2005 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 5-85099-161-1.

Праздник безумства: Дионис и Мельпомена артикул 12013d.
Праздник безумства: Дионис и Мельпомена артикул 12013d.

Эту книгу с интересом прочтут те, кто не утратил меры в любви к удовольствиям, кто честен по отношению к себе и окружающим Перед автором стояла серьезная и ответственная задача: озкбт рассказать о том, как вино из дара природы превращается в заурядный факт опошленной повседневности, как вдохновение обретает карикатурные черты пессимизма и обреченности, а безотчетная порывистость праздника сменяется яростным безумием Уважительно и деликатно, без навязчивого морализаторства и ханжества автор излагает историю отношений литературы к вину В книге показано, как вино зачастую становится одним из источников исповеди литературных персонажей: не будь герои пьяны, трагедия их существования осталась бы погребенной под обломками чувств, так и не нашедших слов Не менее важной темой книги становится изображение трагедии актера, часто невоздержанного в общении с горячительными напитками И причины здесь не только в слабости человека или сложности жизни, но в самой сути великого таинства сценического ремесла, по-отечески требовательного и одновременно жестокого к своим жрецам и жертвам Автор Андрей Ястребов.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   1280Серия: Литературный атлас страстей.

Distressed Debt Analysis: Strategies for Speculative Investors артикул 12015d.
Distressed Debt Analysis: Strategies for Speculative Investors артикул 12015d.

Recently, reorganizations, restructurings, and bankruptcies have replaced IPOs as the common financial vehicle of the times However, these distressed companies can still provide an avenue for profitable investing This eagerly anticipated new reference helps guide you through this treacherous landscape in order to master the multi-move озкбэ chess-like strategies required to achieve financially advantageous results for your portfolio It is the most up-to-date and comprehensive book on the market to deal with the myriad of issues surrounding a distressed company Providing theoretical and practical insight, Distressed Debt Analysis: Strategies for Speculative Investors presents a conceptual, but not overly technical, outline of the financial and bankruptcy law context in which restructurings take place The book covers the broader financial environment of the reorganization and the basic process of investment analysis and investment strategies The author uses numerous real-world examples and case studies to emphasize important concepts and critical issues The developments that have created these extraordinary investment opportunities have also created tremendous demand for professionals with experience and knowledge in the restructuring process Distressed Debt Analysis: Strategies for Speculative Investors addresses the complete knowledge needs of investors and professionals in the burgeoning world of financially distressed companies It is perfect for bankruptcy departments of law firms, restructuring advisory groups, turnaround consulting firms, and reorganization and distressed securities departments of investment banks.  Iron   Lowl   Morn   Robe2004 г Твердый переплет, 448 стр ISBN 1932159185.

Аналитическая геометрия Векторная алгебра Кривые второго порядка (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12017d.
Аналитическая геометрия Векторная алгебра Кривые второго порядка (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12017d.

Содержит курс аналитической геометрии, векторной алгебры и кривых второго порядка Рассмотрены: деление отрезка в данном отношении, различные виды уравнения прямой, расстояние озквг от точки до прямой; различные виды уравнений прямой и плоскости в пространстве, признаки параллельности и ортогональности прямых и плоскостей, расстояние от точки до плоскости и т д Описываются простейшие операции над векторами (сложение и вычитание векторов, умножение векторов на число и т п ) Даны скалярное и векторное произведения двух векторов, смешанное произведение трех векторов Исследуются геометрические свойства линий, определяемых в декартовых координатах алгебраическими уравнениями второй степени: свойства эллипса, гиперболы, параболы Весь учебный материал представлен на лазерном диске, обеспечивающем организацию аудиторных и самостоятельных занятий на компьютере в интерактивном режиме Для студентов высших и средних специальных учебных заведений Может использоваться в дистанционном обучении, а также в учебном процессе старших классов общеобразовательных школ математического и естественнонаучного профиля Авторы Анатолий Грешилов (автор, редактор) Т Белова.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   AmarСерия: Компьютерный курс.

Organizing Control: August Thyssen and the Construction of German Corporate Management (Harvard Studies in Business History) артикул 12019d.
Organizing Control: August Thyssen and the Construction of German Corporate Management (Harvard Studies in Business History) артикул 12019d.

In a pioneering work, Jeffrey Fear overturns the dominant understanding of German management as "backward" relative to the U S and uncovers an autonomous and sophisticated German managerial tradition Beginning with founder August Thyssen--the Andrew Carnegie of Germany--Fear traces the evolution of management inside the Thyssen-Konzern озквк and the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works) between 1871 and 1934 Fear focuses on the organization and internal dynamics of the company He demonstrates that initiatives often flowed from middle managers, rather than from the top down Shattering stereotypes of the overly bureaucratic and rigid German firm, Fear portrays a decentralized and flexible system that underscores the dynamic and entrepreneurial nature of German business He fundamentally revises the scholarship on Alexander Gerschenkron and Germany's Sonderweg, and critiques Max Weber's concept of the corporation and capital accounting He develops a loosely coupled relationship among enterprise strategy, organization, the structure of responsibility, and its accounting system, which links information, knowledge, and power inside the firm This method of organizing control is central to understanding corporate governance Original and provocative, this work will generate much debate among historians, organizational theorists, and management and accounting scholars.  Geni   Wind   Alex   Барк2005 г Твердый переплет, 976 стр ISBN 0674014928.

Лекции по квантовой теории поля артикул 12021d.
Лекции по квантовой теории поля артикул 12021d.

Переводчик: Б Лысов В настоящей книге, написанной выдающимся физиком-теоретиком, Нобелевским лауреатом П А М Дираком, дается оригинальное построение квантовой теории поля, озквн начиная с самых основ Представленная здесь квантовая теория поля основывается на гамильтоновом формализме Результаты теории являются следствиями уравнений движения, а сама теория строится, насколько возможно, по законам логики Это предполагает значительный отход от общепринятого изложения квантовой теории поля, где логическая стройность выводов приносится в жертву выработке рабочих рецептов и установлению их непротиворечивости, в ходе чего уравнения движения оказываются утерянными Книга будет интересна как тем, кто еще только начинает изучать квантовую теорию поля, так и физикам-теоретикам, работающим в этой области долгие годы 2-е издание Автор Поль Адриен Морис Дирак Paul A M Dirac.  Bald   Digi   Chec   разгСерия: Физико-математическое наследие: физика.

Lectures on Quantum Field Theory.
Labour Market Adjustments in Europe артикул 12023d.
Labour Market Adjustments in Europe артикул 12023d.

It is now widely accepted that expansionary fiscal or monetary policies alone are unlikely to help Europe's ailing economies Solving Europe's economic problems requires reform of the economic institutions that influence economic activity and the way the economy responds to macroeconomic shocks This volume employs novel approaches to the озквщ study of some of these institutions The group of contributors in this book come from academia and international organizations in Europe and the USA They focus on trade unions, which affect real-wage flexibility and the provision of training to workers They also concentrate on employment protection legislation, which discourages firms from firing old workers and also from hiring new ones The structure of housing market imperfections that can greatly affect regional mobility is also discussed Labour economists and scholars of European studies, as well as economic policymakers, will read Labour Market Adjustments in Europe with great interest.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   Davi2006 г Твердый переплет, 264 стр ISBN 1845426096.

SAT PERFECT SCORE: The 7 Secrets of Acing the SAT артикул 12025d.
SAT PERFECT SCORE: The 7 Secrets of Acing the SAT артикул 12025d.

Book Description In this new landmark study, Dr Tom Fischgrund became the first researcher ever granted full access to these high academic achievers by the College Board Weaving together in-depth interviews with perfect-score students, insights from their parents, groundbreaking statistical analysis, and exclusive College Board data, озкгв SAT Perfect Score reveals the seven key secrets that separate the cream from the crop and they're not what you'd think.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   Lomo2004 г 272 стр ISBN 0060506644.

SAT II Biology For Dummies артикул 12027d.
SAT II Biology For Dummies артикул 12027d.

Book DescriptionGet tips on preparing for test traps Psych yourself up and score your best Yipes! You've got 60 minutes to answer 80 questions on plants and animals, ecology, genetics, cells and molecules, and evolution How do you psych yourself up and score your best? This friendly guide delivers just what you need a thorough review of biology, озкгм including special sections on "M" and "E" exam topics, plus two complete practice tests and lots of insider tips to help boost your score Discover how to Recognize wrong answers Zero in on the best answer Manage your time Minimize test-taking anxiety Familiarize yourself with the format.  Rola   Сысо   Serg   Hist2005 г 432 стр ISBN 0764578421.

Group Portrait Photography Handbook артикул 12029d.
Group Portrait Photography Handbook артикул 12029d.

Of all the portrait specialties, photographing groups is particularly demanding How do you pose a group? How do you keep everyone in sharp focus - let alone create an interesting composition? Bill Hurter, editor of Rangefinder magazine, provides a detailed study of what makes group portraiture work Illustrated with images from over forty top озкгю portrait photographers, this book teaches the techniques you can rely on to yield top-quality results Includes: Techniques for digital and film photographers Posing groups of any size with dramatic results Creating pleasing compositional forms Coordinating apparel for a cohesive group portrait Using levels to pose large groups Optimizing your lighting, both indoors and out Controlling depth of field to keep everyone in focus - even in really big groups 2-nd edition Иллюстрации Автор Билл Хюртер Bill Hurter.  Davi   Ever   Micr   Mart2005 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 1-58428-159-6 Язык: Английский Формат: 215x280 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Muslim Society and the Western Indian Ocean: The Seafarers of Kachchh артикул 12031d.
Muslim Society and the Western Indian Ocean: The Seafarers of Kachchh артикул 12031d.

Based on substantial ethnographic research and further textual and archival research, this book offers a unique perspective on the anthropology of the western Indian Ocean region The book explores the social migration (kinship, patron-client relations, etc ) through which causes are translated into successful political and economic effects озкдо such as Islamic reform and political aspiration This original work will be useful to scholars of the Indian Ocean as well as many anthropologists.  Фран   Прои   Beko   Disc2006 г Твердый переплет, 188 стр ISBN 0415376106.

Work-Life Integration: Case Studies of Organisational Change артикул 12033d.
Work-Life Integration: Case Studies of Organisational Change артикул 12033d.

Developments in IT and communication technology, coupled with the global 24 hour market, have led to boundaries between work and personal life becoming ever more blurred, while work/life policies and practice struggle to keep up This book aims to challenge traditional thinking on work life balance, and to explore different ways of promoting озкдс change at many levels It provides a historical overview of the topic, critiques contemporary approaches and offers creative ideas for integrating work and personal life in local, national and global contexts.  8942   Seve   Удар   Renz2005 г Твердый переплет, 170 стр ISBN 0470853441.

Sat for Brainiacs (Peterson's SAT for Brainiacs) артикул 12035d.
Sat for Brainiacs (Peterson's SAT for Brainiacs) артикул 12035d.

Book DescriptionSAT for Brainiacs is intended for the highly competitive, above-average student who is looking for advanced SAT preparation These students do not need basic concepts and easy practice questionsthey want help in attaining high testscores for the best colleges The book covers the most difficult concepts and problems a test озкдф taker will encounter and offers advanced strategies for handling them The reader will be given the most challenging questions for practice.  stud   Afro   Prin   Миро2003 г 264 стр ISBN 0768912261.

Kaplan SAT & PSAT 2004 with CD-ROM артикул 12037d.
Kaplan SAT & PSAT 2004 with CD-ROM артикул 12037d.

Book Description Are you ready for the Test? A COMPLETE BREAKDOWN OF THE SAT Learn how to use the structure of the SAT to your advantage, hone the skills and strategies required for each question type, and understand the content covered by the test SAT MATH AND VERBAL TUTORIALS Focus your study with a comprehensive review of the 100 most important math озкдщ concepts on the SAT exam, plus tips on how to remember key vocabulary words CLEAR ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR EACH PRACTICE TEST Understand why one answer is right and the others are wrong Practice with 3 full-length exams, each with complete explanations for all answers and detailed score analysis INCREASE YOUR SCORE Maximize your score in the minimum amount of time using Kaplan's powerful test-taking tips and strategies, plus expert advice on dealing with stress, guessing, and more Special CD-ROM Features: 5 Full-Length Practice Tests Customized Study Plan 2 PSAT Practice Tests Performance Analysis Math and Verbal Tutorials Score Comparison with Hundreds of Colleges The World Leader in Test Prep Kaplan has been the world leader in testpreparation for more than 60 years, helping more than 3 million students achieve their educational and career goals With 185 centers and more than 1,200 classroom locations throughout the U S and abroad, Kaplan provides a full range of services, including test prep courses, admissions consulting, programs for international students, professional licensing preparation, and more #1 in Online Test Prep! For more information, contact us at 1-800-KAP-TEST or visit kaptest com.  Wind   Road   Mari   конс2003 г 624 стр ISBN 0743241568.

Master the Sat 2005 (Academic Test Preparation Series) артикул 12039d.
Master the Sat 2005 (Academic Test Preparation Series) артикул 12039d.

Book DescriptionDESCRIPTION ARCO Master the SAT provides complete test preparation for the SAT exam taken by students during their junior and senior years in high school Most colleges require that students submit SAT scores as part of their application Master the SAT prepares students for the exam with expert test-taking strategies and a detailed озкее review of the major areas tested: mathematics and verbal reasoning Students demonstrate their knowledge at the end of each chapter with review questions and again in full-length practice tests The book is filled with exercises, drills, and full-length sample exams that create a true-to-life testing experience Test-taking techniques and skill-development strategies are teacher tested so that studentsand parents know to trust what they find inside Bonus advice on college planning essentialsincluding application procedures and financial aidis also provided.  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитР2004 г 720 стр ISBN 0768917123.

African Safari Photography артикул 12041d.
African Safari Photography артикул 12041d.

Chris Weston, one of the world’s most celebrated nature photographers, presents a practical and inspiring new guide on the dream trip of a lifetime: an African safari Packed with 230 sensational color photos of the continent’s unsurpassed wildlife, it shows how to plan for a safari and what to take along A Botswana to Zambia guide to the best озкеи parks and wildlife reserves provides invaluable information on when to travel and the best sites for viewing nesting birds, elephant herds, the black rhinoceros, big cats, and more Plus, entire sections cover animal behavior patterns and photographic techniques for capturing great fleeting wildlife moments.  ЛитР   Трои   Води   Грос2006 г Твердый переплет, 192 стр ISBN 1861084420.

Strategy: Core Concepts, Analytical Tools, Readings with Online Learning Center with Premium Content Card артикул 12043d.
Strategy: Core Concepts, Analytical Tools, Readings with Online Learning Center with Premium Content Card артикул 12043d.

STRATEGY: Winning in the Marketplace is the newest offering from proven authors Thompson, Gamble, and Strickland As in previous works, the authors' mainstream presentation includes the most recent research in strategy presented in a way that students caunderstand and apply to business cases and problems With fewer chapters and pages than previous озкел texts by these authors, this text offers a more concise, lively, and user-friendly presentation of strategic management Fundamental strengths of Thompson/Gale/Strickland text treatments are very much evident in this edition-a compelling presentation of Porter's Five-Forces model and globally competitive markets and first-rate coverage of strategy execution and the drive for operating excellence.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   Соде2005 г Мягкая обложка, 512 стр ISBN 0073203343.

The Economics of Immigration and Social Diversity, Volume 24 (Research in Labor Economics) артикул 12045d.
The Economics of Immigration and Social Diversity, Volume 24 (Research in Labor Economics) артикул 12045d.

This volume is a collection of papers dedicated to the memory of the late Tikva Lecker Professor Lecker's many interests included topics in labor economics, women and the economy, the economics of Judaism, the economics of migration and every aspect of the economic experience of immigrants and their descendants Each chapter in this volume honors озкеп the memory of Professor Lecker by presenting research on a topic in which she was especially interested *The Research in Labor Economics series was started in 1977 *Each volume consists of a collection of refereed research papers written by top economists *Recent volumes have hosted papers from D Acemoglu, J D Angrist, D Card, H Farber, A Kreuger, E Lazear, G Field, and J Mincer, among others.  МГор   веду   Dixi   Цыбу2006 г Твердый переплет, 488 стр ISBN 0762312750.

New SAT Prep Kit артикул 12047d.
New SAT Prep Kit артикул 12047d.

Book DescriptionIn this box set, you get 3 of Petersons best selling titles to prepare for the New SAT! ARCOs Master the SAT Arcos Master the SAT provides complete test preparation for the SAT I exam taken by students during their junior and senior years in high school Most colleges require that students submit SAT scores as part of their application озкеф Master the SAT prepares students for the exam with expert test-taking strategies and a detailed review of the major areas tested: mathematics and verbal reasoning Students demonstrate their knowledge at the end of each chapter with review questions and again in full-length practice tests Get Wise Series: Mastering Writing Skills In this addition to the Get Wise! series,wise refers not only to knowledge and self-improvement, but also to the irreverent, satirical, conversational tone that runs throughout each book Each book addresses a specific skill set, discussing the fundamentals and providing cool and entertaining drills, fun activities, and games for high school students who want to Get Wise! In-a-Flash Math There will be a new SAT I exam introduced in March 2005 Changes to the SAT include -New scoring: The new "perfect" score will be 2400, instead of 1600 -Longer test: The new test is 30 minutes longer that the old test -The Verbal Reasoning section is being renamed, SAT Critical Reading; -The analogies section has been eliminated -There will be a new writing section where the testtaker writes an essay, as well as answering multiple-choice questions of usage and grammar -The Math Section will include questions of increased math difficulty; -Algebra II concepts and more geometry will be added -The quantitative comparison questions will be removed.  Куца   Mast   Стер   моло2004 г ISBN 0768914906.

Route 66 Lost & Found: Ruins and Relics Revisited, Volume 2 артикул 12049d.
Route 66 Lost & Found: Ruins and Relics Revisited, Volume 2 артикул 12049d.

Much more than just a ribbon of crumbling asphalt, Route 66 today appeals to the world for its nostalgia valuefor the promise that Steinbecks "Mother Road" once held and the places that stood alongside it As the highway has declined into disuse, so too have the countless establishments that sprouted up from Illinois to California to cater озкеы to weary travelers and hopeful vacationers alike Motor courts, cafes, main streets, filling stations, and greasy spoonsall are represented in this new book featuring dozens of lost-and-found sites not featured in photographer and author Russ Olsens first volume As does its predecessor, this new installment presents 75 locations along the Mother Roads entire 2,297 miles, showing them both during their heydays as seen in black-and-white photographs taken for period postcards, and as they appear today from the same angle and also with black-and-white photographs Each site featured is accompanied by a detailed capsule history tracing the locales rise and fall, as well as an exclusive map pointing out its location along Route 66.  Спир   Guar   Jean   Magn2006 г Твердый переплет, 160 стр ISBN 0760326231.

Legal Handbook for Photographers: The Rights and Liabilities of Making Images артикул 12051d.
Legal Handbook for Photographers: The Rights and Liabilities of Making Images артикул 12051d.

Beginning with the basic laws that govern photography, this legal manual helps photographers understand the basic matters of access and privacy, covering issues such as shooting images on private property, consent, and the photography of public groups Subjects addressed include the legalities of photographing currency, stamps, securities, озкжа trademarks, seals, and insignia; military and nuclear installations; copyrighted materials; children; and animals This updated handbook closes with a helpful glossary that decodes complicated legalese.  OZON   Wind   Топо   Inte2006 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 1584281944.

Luci a cielo apereto/Lights in the Blue: Milano артикул 12053d.
Luci a cielo apereto/Lights in the Blue: Milano артикул 12053d.

Lighting the city--illuminating densely populated architecture and public space--is complex, difficult, necessary work Lights in the Blue chronicles a fleeting exploration of possibilities, when four public, historical sites in the heart of Milan were A¬occupiedA® by well-known lighting designers exploring new ways of looking at everyday озкжд urban life These squares, streets and gardens lived under a different light for four days, an experiment documented here by a host of contemporary photographers.  Malc   Звон   Соло   авто2006 г Мягкая обложка, 93 стр ISBN 8881585502.

Введение в теоретическую физику Оптика артикул 12055d.
Введение в теоретическую физику Оптика артикул 12055d.

Переводчик: С Лейтман В книге выдающегося немецкого физика Макса Планка большое внимание уделено систематическому изложению и развитию основных положений теоретической озкжм оптики, представлены их связи с другими отделами физики В первых двух частях работы автор рассматривает материю как непрерывную среду с непрерывно меняющимися свойствами В третьей части при описании дисперсии вводится атомистический метод рассмотрения Автором также намечен естественный переход к квантовой механике на основе классической теории при помощи соответствующего обобщения Книга будет интересна физикам - научным работникам, преподавателям и студентам физических факультетов 3-е издание Автор Макс Планк Max Planck.  Rene   Edga   Caro   НефеИздательство: КомКнига, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 162 стр ISBN 978-5-484-01215-2 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Einfuhrung in die theoretische physik: IV: Optik.
Instant Recall SAT Vocabulary артикул 12002d.
Instant Recall SAT Vocabulary артикул 12002d.

Book Description Total Recall--a Scientifically proven method of word retention for SAT students More than a million students take the SAT every year, pinning their hopes for the future on a high score Building a strong vocabulary is oneof the categories of study that is essential for success, but word lists and flash cards have proven to be ineffective озкад study techniques Instant Recall SAT Vocabulary provides an easier, more successful way to build vocabulary, by using a scientifically proven system to help students build their word lexicons and thus achieve higher test scores Using an audio program in conjunction with written text, this package encourages the student to imagine verbal images connecting the sound of the key word with its meaning Studies have proven this method to be three times more effective than traditional means in advancing ones vocabulary The package includes: Two 75-minute CDs A complete list of words Written exercises and more.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   Jerz2004 г 32 стр ISBN 0071435158.

AC/DC: Stiff Upper Lip Live артикул 12004d.
AC/DC: Stiff Upper Lip Live артикул 12004d.

От издателя Содержание: 01 Newsflash 02 Stiff Upper Lip 03 You Shook Ne All Night Long 04 Problem Child 05 Thunderstruck 06 Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be 07 Hard As A Rock 08 Shood To Thrill 09 Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution 10 What Do You Do For Money Honey 11 Bad Boy Boggie 12 Hells Bells 13 Up To My Neck In You 14 The Jack 15 Back In озкак Black 16 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 17 Highway To Hell 18 Whole Lotta Rosie 19 Let There Be Rock 20 T N T 21 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) 22 Shot Down In Flames 23 Credits Дополнительные материалы Интервью Актер "AC/DC" Группа "AC/DC" образовалась в 1974 году в Австралии Исходный состав: Малколм Янг (гитара), Ангус Янг (гитара), Бон Скотт (вокал), Марк Эванс (бас-гитара), Фил Радд (ударные) Если в середине 70-х самым ярким представителем "тяжелого" рок-н-ролла.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   ЮсупФормат: DVD (PAL) (Картонный бокс + кеер case) Дистрибьютор: Торговая Фирма "Никитин" Региональный код: 5 Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя) Субтитры: Английский / Французский / Испанский / Португальский / Русский Звуковые дорожки: Английский Dolby Digital 2 0 Английский Dolby Digital 5 1 Английский DTS 5 1 Формат изображения: WideScreen 16:9 (1 78:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2001 г , 137 мин , США Leidseplein Presse B V Концертная программа.

Космос и Земля Электромеханические взаимодействия артикул 12006d.
Космос и Земля Электромеханические взаимодействия артикул 12006d.

Рассматривается энергетическая взаимосвязь Земли и Космоса и электромеханическое преобразование энергии в космических МГД-генераторах и двигателях (насосах), природных озкас топливных элементах и биодвигателях Авторы пытаются связать теорию электромагнитной Вселенной с теорией гиперструн, что позволяет отказаться от линейного расширения пространства и времени и перейти к пульсирующей модели мира Показано, что природные явления на Земле, в том числе климатические изменения, циклоны и антициклоны, обусловленыэлектромеханическим взаимодействием нашей планеты и другими частями Солнечной системы Предложена новая гипотеза образования воды на Земле - в результате природной энергохимической реакции, аналогичной процессам в искусственных топливных системах.  Park   Soul   Hits   SPOR2005 г 176 стр ISBN 5-98420-015-5.

Загадки света и гравитации артикул 12008d.
Загадки света и гравитации артикул 12008d.

В настоящей книге, написанной в форме диалогов между философом и естествоиспытателем, на основе новейших научных данных рассматривается современная картина мира, а также озкац многие таинственные явления - природа света, загадки пространства и времени, происхождение Вселенной, "черные дыры", "красные карлики" и т д Авторы, обращаясь к глубоким философским проблемам естествознания, не избегают острых углов, полемизируют с устоявшимися точками зрения, предлагают новые подходы в освещении не познанных еще тайн мироздания Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей - всем, кому небезразличны вопросы о сути и причинах явлений окружающего мира 2-е издание, исправленное Авторы Валерий Демин Василий Селезнев.  Mari   Vino   Cafe   GabrСерия: Relata Refero.

Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive Advantage артикул 12010d.
Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive Advantage артикул 12010d.

The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework as well as practical strategies – not just for survival but for a true search for excellence in the uncertain and ever-changing world of customer service management A The theoretical framework is based on the notion that customer service contains three key variables: озкбб a promise, a process, and people After going through the step-by-step process of service management, the reader will have the necessary understanding and skill to choose the right strategy for the right circumstances, to design service processes, to identify the means and methods to implement these processes, and to measure the outcome A A Key Features: Shares insight from CEO’s on how service leaders think, strategize, and apply tools of the trade to achieve their objectivesA Relates chapter content to real world challenges faced by corporations Includes a discussion on both quantitative and qualitative methods in a service context Conceptualizes the new paradigm of service leadership and the development of a multi-disciplinary approach to the topic Provides an Instructor’s Manual on CD containing an outline of the text with teaching points, PowerPoint slides for every chapter, a test bank, answers to end-of-chapter questions, and sample syllabiA A Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive Advantage provides an accessible application of theory suitable for upper level undergraduate and graduate courses in Service Management, Service Marketing, Customer Service, Human Resource Management, and Leadership.  серт   Myth   Stan   Perp2005 г Твердый переплет, 336 стр ISBN 1412913748.

The New SAT Exam Cram 2 with Cd-Rom (Exam Cram) артикул 12012d.
The New SAT Exam Cram 2 with Cd-Rom (Exam Cram) артикул 12012d.

Book Description The SAT Exam Cram is the most efficient, effective and concise method of study for the new SAT exam Find out what to study and how to study from an expert – author Mike Gunderloy, who registered a near-perfect score on the SAT Along with matter-of-fact advice from Susan Harkins, end-of chapter quizzes and two full-length practice озкбп tests, you will be well prepared for the SAT exam The popular "Cram Sheet" tearcard is also included for last minute studying Also included is a CD-ROM that features free sample SAT exam questions delivered by ExamForce's powerful, full-featured testing software This software gives you additional drill and practice for the SAT exam, helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses so you can correct any weak areas before you take the exam By using ExamForce's innovative software, you'll get the feedback you need in determining whether you're ready to take the actual exam!Improve your scores with the SAT Exam Cram.  Tran   книг   Creo   Dona2005 г 600 стр ISBN 0789733862.

Math Review for the SAT (REA) артикул 12014d.
Math Review for the SAT (REA) артикул 12014d.

Book Description Maximize your math score on the new SAT with REA’s Math Review for the SAT! This new edition features a comprehensive analysis of the SAT’s Multiple Choice and Student Response math questions: Number and OperationQuestions; Algebra and Function Questions; Geometry and Measurement Questions; and Data Analysis, Statistics, озкбх and Probability Questions Build your test skills with over 200 math drills that sharpen and focus your understanding of SAT math DETAILS - New edition reflects all the math changes on the new SAT including Algebra II - Concentrated subject question analyses that hone test skills & maximize study efforts - Thoroughly detailed explanations for all practice exam questions - Packed with test-taking tips and more than 200 powerhouse math drills - Appendix and Index allow speedy look-up and smarter subject study.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   Roge2005 г 300 стр ISBN 0738600865.

The Mayan Mission : Another Mission Another Country Another Action-Packed Adventure 1,000 New SAT Vocabulary Words артикул 12016d.
The Mayan Mission : Another Mission Another Country Another Action-Packed Adventure 1,000 New SAT Vocabulary Words артикул 12016d.

Book DescriptionWill Alexa and José solve the Mayan mystery? Will you conquer the SAT? With 1,000 SAT vocabulary words, this book holds the answers! In this suspenseful sequel to The Marino Mission, teens Alexa and José reunite at the ruins of an ancient Mayan temple where they unearth intriguing clues about this ancient civilization When they озква uncover a sinister scheme to sell priceless Mayan artifacts to the highest bidder, Alexa and José get caught up in the throes of a fast-paced jungle adventure that draws them into a heart-wrenching predicament Your predicament: You want to get a high score on the SAT You'll uncover the secret in The Mayan Mission It includes 1,000 SAT vocabulary words, including sometough, need-to-know words from The Marino Mission that are repeated Together, the two action-packed adventures give you a strategy to master a total of 1,600 challenging wordspainlessly, without memorizing mind-numbing lists As the plot thickens,the vocabulary words become more challenging and your knowledge grows Words are defined at the bottom of the page, so you don't have to flip back and forth Creative exercises at the end of the novel reinforce the meaning and proper use of the words Ifyour mission is to prepare for the SAT, this is a great strategy!.  Jame   Алек   Cher   Isaa2005 г 326 стр ISBN 0764598201.

Когерентная фотоника артикул 12018d.
Когерентная фотоника артикул 12018d.

Первый учебник по фотонике, подготовленный совместно российским и американским профессорами Книга посвящена одному из наиболее перспективных направлений в информатике озквж Читатель получит физическое обоснование возможности и целесообразности замены в ряде задач информатики электрического тока потоком когерентных фотонов В книге содержится весь необходимый материал, тем не менее, она снабжена обширной библиографией, которую можно использовать для углубленного изучения отдельных разделов В основу учебника положены лекционные курсы по информатике, квантовой электронике и фотонике, которые авторы читают студентам Пенсильванского университета и Государственного университета - МИФИ Для преподавателей и студентов физических специальностей (фотоника, квантовая электроника) высших учебных заведений Авторы Александр Ларкин Фрэнсис Т С Юу F Yu.  Херл   Etni   Diam   HarrИздательство: Бином Лаборатория знаний, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 978-5-94774-378-4 Тираж: 1500 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

История России глазами очевидцев XX век артикул 12020d.
История России глазами очевидцев XX век артикул 12020d.

В книге в увлекательной форме рассказывается об основных событиях истории России XX века - революциях, реформах, войнах, а также о тех людях, которые были их главными участниками, озквм - политических и государственных деятелях, полководцах, ученых, героях войны и труда Много внимания уделено быту и психологии людей прошедшего столетия Книга поможет школьникам выполнить домашние задания, написать реферат, выпускникам и абитуриентам - успешно сдать экзамены, студентам - подготовиться к семинарам и зачетам, учителям - найти дополнительный материал к урокам и факультативным занятиям Издание прекрасно подойдет и для семейного чтения Написанное ярким, образным языком, оно украсит досуг и расширит кругозор каждого, кто интересуется историей Автор Юрий Рябцев.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   AndrСерия: За рамками школьного учебника.

SAT I Wordmaster Level I артикул 12022d.
SAT I Wordmaster Level I артикул 12022d.

Book Description Completely revised and updated with brand-new word lists that reflect vocabulary requirements for success on the latest SAT I college-entrance tests, this card pack contains 300 words on 50 vocabulary recognition cards and a handy six-card index The card case is designed with viewing windows Both cards and viewing case have озквф been enlarged for this new edition Users can slide cards past the window, first to see the word and its part of speech; second, to see the words definition; third, to see it used in an example sentence; and fourth, to see and learn other words with related meanings The words presented here have appeared most often in recent SAT I exams, and represent basic words that every college-bound student must master An advanced list, Wordmaster Level II, is also available in a new edition.  Tato   Kary   спас   Заре2003 г 56 стр ISBN 0764175173.

Решение задач по физике Учебное пособие для ВУЗов артикул 12024d.
Решение задач по физике Учебное пособие для ВУЗов артикул 12024d.

Учебное пособие написано в соответствии с программой дисциплины `Общая физика` В него включены примеры решения задач по темам семи основных разделов дисциплины: `Физические озквы основы механики`, `Термодинамика и молекулярная физика`, `Электричество и магнетизм`, `Колебания и волны`, `Оптика`, `Специальная теория относительности`, `Квантовая физика` Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений Ошибка в фамилии: на обложке - А Н Сафронов, в библиографической карточке - А Н Сафонов Авторы (показать всех авторов) Василий Давыдов Анатолий Задерновский В Кириллов.  крас   9056   Arts   03-1Издательство: Едиториал УРСС, 2000 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 5-8360-0167-7 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Элементарные рекурсивные функции артикул 12026d.
Элементарные рекурсивные функции артикул 12026d.

Книга написана на основе курсов лекций, которые автор читал на факультете Вычислительной математики и кибернетики МГУ В книге собраны основные классы "элементарных" рекурсивных озкге функций, изучаемые в теории алгоритмов Приведены различные определения этих классов, установлены соотношения включения между ними Получены разнообразные канонические представления элементарных функций, указаны эффективные операции, сохраняющие элементарность функций, получены оценки сложности вычисления элементарных функций Книга адресована студентам и аспирантам математических факультетов, изучающим теорию алгоритмов Автор Сергей Марченков.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   SvagИздательство: МЦНМО, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 5-94057-098-4 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Теория множеств артикул 12028d.
Теория множеств артикул 12028d.

Переводчики: Н Веденисов П Александров Андрей Колмогоров Настоящая книга, написанная известным немецким математиком, одним из основоположников современной топологии озкгх Ф Хаусдорфом, содержит очень полное и в то же время совершенно элементарное изложение теории множеств Работа Ф Хаусдорфа оказала влияние на все отрасли современной математики, опирающиеся на теорию множеств, что сделало ее классическим произведением математической литературы Материал, посвященный топологической теории множеств, значительно переработан и дополнен выдающимися российскими математиками, академиками П С Александровым и А Н Колмогоровым Книга будет интересна математикам - исследователям и преподавателям, студентам и аспирантам, желающим ознакомиться с теорией множеств 4-е издание Автор Феликс Хаусдорф Felix Hausdorff.  слов   Mich   Garm   CracИздательство: ЛКИ, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 978-5-382-00127-2 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Grundzuge der Mengenlehre.
SAT1600 SAT-I Encyclopedia (Sat1600 Test Preparation Series) артикул 12030d.
SAT1600 SAT-I Encyclopedia (Sat1600 Test Preparation Series) артикул 12030d.

Book DescriptionThis textbook, the first true SAT Encyclopedia in history, represents the hard work and combined talents of five gifted educators Between us, we have scored perfectly over 200 times(!) Think about that Right now, only about one in 4000score 1600 ( about 700 out of 2 8 million test-takers) When the Editor-in-Chief first scored 1600, озкдд long before "re-centering", it was more like one in 100,000! We think this is significant In our learning centers, students often come to us having already achieved a top 1% score (1450+) We are able to help such talented students substantially because we can tell them from experience how to make the difficult climb toward a 1600 While only 2 or 3 of our students actually achieve a 1600 each year, many do score in the 1500+ range, and receive acceptance into such schools as Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Stanford, etc This is not a high-tech book The SAT is a test of basics and fundamentals By my own choice, I have made many of the comments and corrections by hand, rather than by machine I think this makes the book more real and readable While this is an expensive work, its cost is less than the cost of a half hour Private Tutoring with Prof Fikar In return you will be provided with material to enrich you for hundreds of hours.  хоро   полю   Silv   Brot2003 г 705 стр ISBN 0974230502.

Professional Portrait Lighting: Techniques and Images from Master Photographers (Photo Pro Workshop series) артикул 12032d.
Professional Portrait Lighting: Techniques and Images from Master Photographers (Photo Pro Workshop series) артикул 12032d.

Designed for professional photographers who are already well versed in the basics of lighting, this book will take their lighting to the next level, adding the flair and refinement that can turn professional images into world-class photos Each chapter explores a different master photographer, with a thorough analysis of signature techniques, озкдп a look at the creation of his or her top images, and a discussion of past photographs that presented lighting challenges A virtual master class, this book presents the teachings of nearly two dozen photographers for a fraction of the price of a single photography seminar.  цвет   Осип   Para   18152006 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 1584281901.

Принцип дополнительности артикул 12034d.
Принцип дополнительности артикул 12034d.

В настоящей книге рассматривается идея дополнительности, выдвинутая Нильсом Бором для обоснования наиболее общих принципов квантовой механики Исследуются аналоги этой озкдт идеи в античной и в классической физике, пути ее дальнейшего обобщения, а также возможность применения вне физики Книга рассчитана ни широкий круг читателей, знакомых с самыми элементарными понятиями теории относительности и квантовой механики 2-е издание Автор Борис Кузнецов.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENNИздательство: ЛКИ, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 978-5-382-00188-3 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Professional Posing Techniques for Wedding and Portrait Photographers артикул 12036d.
Professional Posing Techniques for Wedding and Portrait Photographers артикул 12036d.

Combining two disciplines—posing and wedding portraiture—this professional resource helps photographers create flattering poses to build the best possible portraits and highest possible sales Photographers are taught how to position the head, shoulders, torso, arms, hands, legs, and feet to correct figure flaws, make a client feel озкдш relaxed, and evoke a dynamic image that tells a story or defines a relationship The challenges of shooting on location are addressed with tips for adjusting poses in any situation A discussion of body language and how small adjustments can change an entire mood provides photographers with the ability to help their clients convey a variety of desired messages, whether elegant, sexy, or playful Standing, seated, and floor poses are covered along with specific techniques for photographing brides, grooms, and wedding parties.  язык   Буха   Сост   демо2005 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 1584281707.

The Best of Family Portrait Photography: Professional Techniques and Images артикул 12038d.
The Best of Family Portrait Photography: Professional Techniques and Images артикул 12038d.

Artwork from 30 of the industry's top photographers is used to highlight both clear-cut shooting strategies and colorful, cutting-edge approaches to family portraiture in this handbook intended for idea gathering and inspiration Advice on focal length, perspective, and maximizing the potential of digital equipment highlights the technical озкдя aspects of family portraiture while group posing strategies demonstrate how best to flatter each subject and convey a sense of family unity A lengthy discussion of lighting—the backbone of portraiture—and the manipulation of shadows and highlights instructs photographers on how to create mood and interest in a variety of lighting scenarios, both indoors and out Specifics on adjusting body lines, colors, and shapes, working with young children, and creating a comfortable atmosphere ensure that the photographer captures the unique personality of each family with dynamic and attractive images.  Щерб   увед   серт   Fran2005 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 1584281723.

Strategic Management: Creating Value in Turbulent Times артикул 12040d.
Strategic Management: Creating Value in Turbulent Times артикул 12040d.

This MBA level book offers a managerial perspective of strategic management, which the authors define as the task of creating organizations that generate value in a turbulent world It covers all core areas of the subject in depth, but also includes many topics omitted by competing titles Written in an accessible style and drawing on numerous examples озкеж of leading companies, Fitzroy and Hulbert demonstrate that the major driver of success is the quality of a firms strategic management Their clear learning objectives will ensure that readers emerge equipped to meet this challenge.  Низо   рома   Goin   Ауди2004 г Мягкая обложка, 432 стр ISBN 0471434205.

Квантовый транспорт От атома к транзистору артикул 12042d.
Квантовый транспорт От атома к транзистору артикул 12042d.

Переводчик: Д Хомицкий Книга С Датта, автора известных работ в области нанофизики и наноэлектроники, посвящена проблемам электронного транспорта в низкоразмерных полупроводниковых озкей структурах Последовательно рассматриваются различные квантовые системы, от атома водорода до нанотранзистора Излагаются наиболее общие понятия и методы неравновесной статистической механики и кинетики, и при этом не предполагается первоначальное знакомство читателя с квантовой механикой В книге приведено большое количество численных примеров, а также программ в пакете MATLAB для проведения расчетов квантовых состояний и транспорта в объемных полупроводниках и низкоразмерных структурах Дополнения к данному изданию в форме видеолекций, посвященных ключевым результатам книги, содержатся на Интернет-сайте автора Книга рассчитана на научных работников, инженеров, студентов старших курсов и аспирантов, специализирующихся в области физики конденсированного состояния и наноэлектроники Автор Санджей Датта Sanjay Datta.  рабо   Herb   Руби   СодеИздательство: НИЦ "Регулярная и хаотическая динамика", 2009 г Твердый переплет, 532 стр ISBN 978-5-93972-744-0 Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor.
Keller's Math SAT Game Plan: Your Strategy for Success (Nuts & Bolts) артикул 12044d.
Keller's Math SAT Game Plan: Your Strategy for Success (Nuts & Bolts) артикул 12044d.

Book DescriptionDevised for high school students who want to improve their math SAT scores, this study guide offers a comprehensive strategy for approaching the test Concise and efficiently organized, this book provides powerful techniques for improvingscores dramatically in the short term, as well as acquiring long-term test-taking savvy озкен Difficult test questions are explained in a clear, step-by-step fashion to give students the skills to approach the test with confidence Included are tips that are particularly useful for students who have been granted extended time to take the test.  меся   чита   теат   Flyi2004 г 250 стр ISBN 0966402790.

Магический глаз Галерея Представлено 88 изображений артикул 12046d.
Магический глаз Галерея Представлено 88 изображений артикул 12046d.

Переводчик: Ю Суслов Трехмерные оптические иллюзии Magic Eye удивительны и занимательны В каждое изображение "магический глаз" встроены очаровательные трехмерные объекты, озкет которые плавно материализуются перед взором! Книги с рисунками Magic Eye стали детонатором взрыва интереса к стереограммам 1990-х годов, побивая все рекорды бестселлеров по всему миру Каждую неделю, начиная с 1991 года и до настоящего времени, миллионы людей буквально не отводят глаз от наших трехмерных изображений в книгах, на постерах и календарях, рекламных плакатах и других уникальных продуктах, не говоря уже о нашей постоянной газетной колонке Если вы смотрите изображения "магический глаз" впервые, обязательно следуйте инструкциям на страницах с описанием техники просмотра и - самое главное - получайте удовольствие!.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   СодеИздательства: АСТ, Астрель, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 5-17-037529-8, 5-271-14037-7, 0-8362-7044-4 Формат: 90x60/8.

Magic Eye Gallery: A Showing of 88 Images.
Strategic Management: Cases (11th Edition) (Strategic Management: Concepts and Applications) артикул 12048d.
Strategic Management: Cases (11th Edition) (Strategic Management: Concepts and Applications) артикул 12048d.

A Strategic Management Cases,11eA offers a practitioner-oriented perspective; focuses on skill-building in all major areas of strategy formation, implementation, and evaluation; and contains the most up-to-date compilation of cases available TheA 38A featured cases includeA in the 11th editionA are mostly organized into pairs of rivals озкец competing within various industries, such as cases on:A Merck and Pfizer, Kellogg and Hershey Foods, Apple Computer and Dell Computer, Jet Blue Airways and AirTran Airways, USA Truck and Yellow Roadway, Wells Fargo and Janus Capital Group, Verizon Communicationsand XM Satellite Radio andA Samsonite and Mohawk Industries For consultants and other strategic planners.  Wink   Шенк   Mari   Яков2006 г Мягкая обложка, 432 стр ISBN 0131871307.

Panic Plan for the SAT, Sixth Edition артикул 12050d.
Panic Plan for the SAT, Sixth Edition артикул 12050d.

Book Description You're down to the wire, and the test that will shape your entire future is looming before you Don't panic! Rely on this 14-day action plan, an easy-to-follow day-to-day approach filled with strategies to help you score high Along with A COMPLETE PRACTICE SAT EXAM, you'll find study tips and sample questions, taken from actual SATs, озкея relating to both portions of the exam: Verbal Analogy Vocabulary Sentence completion Critical reading Mathematics Arithmetic Geometry Algebra So take in a few deep breaths and then take on the crash course that will keep you on course as you prepare for the SAT.  Fina   Sabb   писа   Mirr2003 г 400 стр ISBN 0743475747.

Лазерное охлаждение твердых тел артикул 12052d.
Лазерное охлаждение твердых тел артикул 12052d.

Монография посвящена одному из перспективных и интересных направлений лазерной физики - лазерному охлаждению твёрдых тел Кратко излагается история развития этого направления озкжб и обсуждаются поставленные к настоящему времени эксперименты по лазерному охлаждению конденсированных сред Особое внимание уделено физике процессов охлаждения и математическому аппарату их описания Исследуются проблемы создания самоохлаждающихся твердотельных лазеров и эхо-процессоров Одна из глав посвящена магнитному охлаждению, спин-локингу и фотонному локингу, а также методам сужения однородной ширины спектральных линий носителей информации оптических эхо-процессоров Обсуждаются также актуальные проблемы оптического охлаждения твердотельных квантовых процессоров Адресуется специалистам в области лазерной физики, а также аспирантам, магистрантам и студентам физических факультетов университетов Авторы Сергей Петрушкин Виталий Самарцев.  With   Silv   Silv   SilvИздательство: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 978-5-9221-0552-3 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

McGraw-Hill's SAT I, Second edition (McGraw-Hill's SAT I) артикул 12054d.
McGraw-Hill's SAT I, Second edition (McGraw-Hill's SAT I) артикул 12054d.

Book Description A revolutionary way to ace the bigger, tougher exam--updated to reflect the latest SAT content and format The SAT exam is undergoing the most drastic change in its 76-year history The second edition of McGraw-Hill’s SAT I offers more complete and intensive practice and guidance than ever to score big on this exam, with updated озкже material and proven study techniques from the breakthrough College Hill method Also included are intensive practice sample tests modeled directly on the actual exams.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVII2005 г 880 стр ISBN 007146235X.

Local Treasures: Geocaching across America (Center for American Places-Center Books on American Places) артикул 12056d.
Local Treasures: Geocaching across America (Center for American Places-Center Books on American Places) артикул 12056d.

In the spring of 2000, a man in Oregon hid a box of toys in the woods, posted the geographic coordinates of its location on a Web site, and issued a challenge for others to find it People used their GPS receivers to find his treasure, and a new game was born Today over a million people worldwide participate in geocaching, hiding stashes of trinkets in a variety озкжн of locations—from a grove of trees to a cliff ledge to the depths of a riverbed—and then inviting others to find them, leave a note, and swap a treasure of their own In Local Treasures Margot Anne Kelley offers one of the first books on "geocaching," exploring what compels ordinary people across the world to take part in these extraordinary treasure hunts Kelley traveled throughout the U S to chronicle the sites and stories of geocaching adventures, from the rocky coasts of Maine to the deserts surrounding Las Vegas to the starting point of the Mason-Dixon Line Each striking, full-color photograph exposes a vision of America quite unlike that presented in a traditional guidebook: truly off the beaten path, these are non-idealized landscapes, often places with special meaning for the players alone Kelley's accompanying writings explore the world of geocaching communities, their rare ability to integrate new technologies with the natural world, and their complex and often ambivalent relationships to the surveillance technologies that sustain the game In this era when people are increasingly disconnected from the land that surrounds them, geocaching offers an unusual and technologically savvy vision for the future Kelley's text is a fascinating examination of a new and creative diversion emerging from the intersection of the virtual world with the real.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   2006 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 1930066368.

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